Low Birth Rate in Finland Persists in Q1 – What’s the Deal?

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Birth rate remains low in Finland in Q1

The number of births was 4,313 lower than that of deaths in Finland during January-March period, according to Statistics Finland.

According to the preliminary data, Finland's population was 5,611,934 at the end of March.

Country´s population, however, was increased by 7,376 persons in the first three months of the year.

The reason for the population increase was migration gain from abroad as the number of immigrants was 11,422 higher than that of emigrants.

The number of births was 17,786 lower than that of deaths in Finland in 2023.

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

  1. KateJohnson84 says

    It’s concerning to see the low birth rate in Finland, but it’s great to hear about the positive impact of migration on the population growth. Hopefully, the government will implement policies to support families and encourage higher birth rates in the future.

  2. KateSmith72 says

    It’s concerning to see that the birth rate continues to decline in Finland. Hopefully, policies will be implemented to address this issue and encourage population growth.

  3. EmilyJohnson45 says

    I find it concerning that the birth rate in Finland continues to drop, leading to a higher number of deaths than births. It is crucial for the government to address this issue and implement policies that encourage families to have more children. Additionally, the positive migration gain from abroad does help offset the declining birth rate, but long-term sustainability should be a top priority for ensuring future population growth.

  4. EmilyJohnson says

    It seems concerning that the birth rate in Finland continues to decline, leading to a population decrease. Measures should be taken to address this issue and encourage family growth for a healthier demographic future.

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