Pro-Palestinian protestors spark up a rally over at Cali U

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Pro-Palestinian protesters rally at University of California

Hundreds of protesters gathered and built a protest encampment in support of Palestinians on Thursday at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), one of the top public universities in the United States, reported Xinhua.

Organizers of the "UCLA Palestine Solidarity Encampment" said in a statement that "We will not be silent while Gaza is being annihilated."

The group, made of UCLA students, community members, faculty, and staff, issued a list of demands that include the boycotts of Israeli universities.

"With the passing of a new funding package, the Biden administration has approved and signed off on 26.4 billion U.S. dollars in aid for the 'israelis,' greenlighting the invasion of Rafah, where they have trapped 1.5 million fleeing Palestinians," the statement noted.

Protesters displayed signs on campus with slogans such as "Let Gaza live,""This is not war, this is genocide," "Stop the massacres," and "UCLA says free Palestine."

"Our top priority is always the safety and well-being of our entire Bruin community," said Mary Osako, vice chancellor for UCLA Strategic Communications, in a statement, adding that "We're actively monitoring this situation to support a peaceful campus environment that respects our community's right to free expression while minimizing disruption to our teaching and learning mission."

The UCLA rally came one day after another pro-Palestinian protest over the Israel-Hamas war at the University of Southern California's (USC) Los Angeles campus. After hours of clashing with police at the university, over 90 protesters were arrested Wednesday night by the Los Angeles Police Department.

USC announced on Thursday the renowned private research university has canceled its main stage graduation ceremony for students that had been planned for May 10.

More than 150 students of the University of California, Santa Barbara, also organized a pro-Palestine demonstration in the university's student resource building on Thursday, according to local television channels.

Despite certain U.S. politicians branding the demonstrators as "anti-Semitic" and the subsequent arrest of hundreds of students, pro-Palestinian demonstrations are spreading on campuses across the United States as the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza continues.


  1. EmilySmith99 says

    As a UCLA alumni, I fully support the protesters demanding justice for Palestinians. It is time to hold Israel accountable for their actions in Gaza. We cannot stay silent in the face of such atrocities.

  2. EmilyDavis95 says

    As an alumna of UCLA, I fully support the protesters’ right to stand in solidarity with Palestinians. It’s crucial to raise awareness about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and to push for accountability for the atrocities committed by the Israeli government. Free Palestine!

  3. EmilySmith123 says

    As a supporter of human rights, I believe it is crucial for people to speak out against the atrocities being committed in Gaza. It is heartening to see the UCLA community coming together to show solidarity with Palestinians and demand justice for those affected by the ongoing conflict.

  4. Amanda89 says

    As an alumni of UCLA, I support the right of the pro-Palestinian protestors to peacefully rally and raise awareness about the ongoing crisis in Gaza. It’s important for universities to be spaces where different viewpoints can be expressed and discussed openly.

  5. EmilyJohnson says

    As an international relations student, I believe it’s crucial to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It’s heart-wrenching to see innocent civilians suffering amidst the conflict. I support the protesters’ peaceful demonstration for Palestinian rights and hope for a peaceful resolution to the situation.

  6. EmilySmith_87 says

    I believe it is crucial for people to raise awareness about the atrocities happening in Gaza. The protesters are brave for standing up against injustice and advocating for Palestinian rights. It’s important for universities to take a stand and support such movements for social justice.

  7. JuliaSmith93 says

    Do you think the protest encampment at UCLA will bring about any change in the situation for Palestinians?

    1. MichaelJones78 says

      Protests and movements like the one at UCLA can generate awareness and put pressure on decision-makers to reconsider their policies. Even if immediate change is not seen, the impact of raising voices for justice cannot be underestimated.

  8. Ashley_83 says

    As an advocate for human rights, I support the protestors’ efforts in raising awareness for the plight of Palestinians. It’s crucial to speak out against injustice and stand in solidarity with those facing oppression. The world must come together to demand peace and justice for all.

  9. EmilySmith23 says

    As a UCLA alumna, I fully support the right of protesters to voice their concerns and advocate for Palestinian rights. It’s important to stand up against injustice and show solidarity with those who are suffering. I hope that peaceful dialogue can lead to positive change in this conflict.

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