Germany Set to Hook Up Kiev with 20 More Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles

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German armaments maker Rheinmetall is to deliver an additional 20 Marder (Marten) infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to Ukraine by the end of the year, the company announced in Dusseldorf on Tuesday, reported Xinhua.

The consignment to the value of tens of millions of euros, funded by the German government, brings to 120 the number of Marders supplied to Ukraine by Rheinmetall since the Russian invasion.

The tracked IFVs are being taken from stocks held by Rheinmetall and being modernized.

"The version of the 1A3 Marder that has now been ordered also features integrated laser range finders, which enable efficient and precise target elimination," Rheinmetall said.

The German military, the Bundeswehr, has also transferred 20 Marders to Ukraine from its own stocks.

Designed through the 1960s and produced up to 1975, the Marder is being replaced in the German military by the Puma.

Rheinmetall has also supplied artillery and ammunition to Ukraine. The company is planning to open production facilities in Ukraine.


  1. EmilySmith says

    Will the modernized Marder infantry fighting vehicles significantly enhance Ukraine’s defense capabilities against the Russian invasion?

    1. MaxJohnson says

      Yes, the modernized Marder infantry fighting vehicles will indeed enhance Ukraine’s defense capabilities against the Russian invasion. The integrated laser range finders feature enables efficient and precise target elimination, providing Ukrainian forces with a significant advantage on the battlefield.

  2. EmmaHarrison89 says

    It’s great to see Germany supporting Ukraine with additional Marder infantry fighting vehicles. These modernized IFVs will enhance Ukraine’s defense capabilities against potential threats, especially considering the ongoing tensions in the region.

  3. Emily_1985 says

    How will the addition of 20 more Marder infantry fighting vehicles impact the ongoing conflict in Ukraine?

    1. JohnSmith91 says

      The addition of 20 more Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine will likely enhance the capabilities of the Ukrainian forces in the ongoing conflict. These vehicles are equipped with advanced features such as integrated laser range finders, which can significantly improve the precision and effectiveness of target engagement. With the ongoing modernization of the IFVs, Ukraine will have a stronger defense and offense capability against the adversaries. Overall, this increase in armored support can potentially shift the dynamics of the conflict in Ukraine’s favor.

  4. HannahSmith88 says

    It’s great to see Germany stepping up to support Ukraine with these additional Marder infantry fighting vehicles. The modernization of the 1A3 Marder with integrated laser range finders will definitely enhance Ukraine’s defense capabilities against potential threats. Kudos to Rheinmetall and the German government for their continued assistance.

  5. EmilySmith says

    I believe that providing Ukraine with additional Marder infantry fighting vehicles is a necessary step to support the country in the face of the Russian invasion. It’s crucial for Ukraine to have access to modernized equipment for efficient defense and target elimination.

  6. Emma92 says

    It’s good to see Germany supporting Ukraine with additional Marder infantry fighting vehicles. Providing modernized equipment will enhance Ukraine’s defense capabilities against external threats, especially given the current geopolitical situation. This cooperation between Rheinmetall and Ukraine is crucial for strengthening security in the region.

  7. EmilySmith_23 says

    As a military enthusiast, I believe that the additional delivery of 20 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine is a strategic move to support the country’s defense capabilities amidst the ongoing conflict. The integration of laser range finders in the latest version showcases the commitment to enhancing precision in target acquisition and engagement. It’s commendable to see international cooperation in bolstering Ukraine’s military strength. Looking forward to more updates on Rheinmetall’s involvement in the region.

  8. EmilySmith123 says

    Do these Marder infantry fighting vehicles have any specific upgrades or modifications to adapt to the current conflict situation in Ukraine?

    1. JohnDoe89 says

      Yes, the version of the 1A3 Marder
      that has now been ordered features integrated laser range finders, which enable efficient and precise target elimination. The modernization includes upgrades to adapt to the current conflict situation in Ukraine.

  9. EmmaSmith89 says

    It’s crucial for Ukraine to bolster its defense capabilities in the face of ongoing security challenges. The addition of 20 more advanced Marder IFVs will definitely enhance Ukraine’s military preparedness against potential threats. Kudos to Rheinmetall for supporting Ukraine’s security efforts in such a significant way.

  10. Emily1993 says

    Will the new Marder infantry fighting vehicles significantly enhance Ukraine’s defense capabilities against further Russian aggression?

  11. EmilySmith says

    It’s concerning to see the escalation of military equipment being sent to Ukraine, especially in the context of the ongoing conflict. While I understand the need for defense, I hope diplomatic efforts are prioritized to bring about a peaceful resolution.

  12. EmilySmith says

    Are there any specific advantages of the Marder infantry fighting vehicles compared to other models available on the market?

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