Govt and minister dodge no-confidence motions by the skin of their teeth!

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Govt, minister survive no-confidence motions

The four-party alliance right-wing government and Minister of Social Affairs and Health Kaisa Juuso on Friday survived separate no-confidence motions brought against them in the parliament by the opposition parties.

The government faced the no-confidence motion for the planned budget cuts in the healthcare and social services sector while the minister faced the motion for her remark that she was surprised by the government's decision to cut 100 million euros for social services from the budget.

Kaisa Juuso survived the motion by 85 votes to 69 with 45 lawmakers remaining absent and no one abstained.

Opposition Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance) brought the motion against the minister, which was also supported by the main opposition Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party of Finland-SDP) and Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party of Finland).

The government won the motion brought by all the opposition parties by 86 votes to 69.

The government led by conservative Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party-NCP) on April 16 announced further spending cuts of three billion euros and increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) as a part its austerity measures.


  1. EmilySmith says

    It’s disappointing to see the government surviving these no-confidence motions. The planned budget cuts in the healthcare and social services sector are concerning, and the minister’s remark on the budget cut decision was unexpected. I hope they reconsider their approach to these crucial issues.

  2. KateMills123 says

    It’s concerning to see the government pushing for budget cuts in crucial sectors like healthcare and social services. Minister Kaisa Juuso’s surprise at the decision to slash funds for social services raises questions about the government’s priorities. Glad to see her survive the no-confidence motion, but this decision warrants closer scrutiny.

  3. Kristiina83 says

    It’s disappointing to see the government and Minister Juuso narrowly escaping these no-confidence motions. The proposed budget cuts in healthcare and social services are deeply concerning, and the lack of accountability is worrying. Let’s hope for more transparent and responsible decision-making in the future.

  4. EmilySmith91 says

    It’s not surprising that the government and Minister Juuso survived the no-confidence motions considering the tough budget decisions they had to make. Let’s hope they can steer the country out of these financial challenges smoothly.

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