Police submit 482 child welfare notifications during school-end week

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Police submit 482 child welfare notifications during school-end week

A total of 482 child welfare notifications were submitted in an intensified street and substance abuse enforcement operation during the end-of-school week, said police in a press release on Wednesday.

Young people under the age of 18 in particular were a target group in the operation

During the week the school year ends, young people traditionally gather in large numbers, and gatherings are often associated with substance abuse and the attendant phenomena that come with them.

The enforcement operation was mainly carried out through visible surveillance by intervening in the use and possession of all intoxicants.

As previously reported by local police, young people’s end-of-school week-end celebrations went well for the most part.

During the weekend enforcement operation, a total of 1,168 litres of alcohol, almost a quarter less than in 2023, were disposed of. Of that amount, around 200 litres were spirits, whereas the majority were milder drinks such as beer and cider.

Police observations indicate that nowadays young people are unfortunately also often in the possession of bladed weapons or other objects capable of harming others.

Some bladed weapons were found over the weekend and a total of 16 reminders were written.

“In the previous decade, the number of child welfare notifications was still as high as 700-1 200 during the same enforcement period. This year's figure shows a very modest increase of 40 compared to the previous year, and fortunately there has been no return to the figures seen years ago,” said Tuomo Korhonen, Chief Superintendent of the National Police Board of Finland.

During the entire week of enforcement, a total of 140 suspected narcotics-related offences of varying degrees were recorded, with underage young people accounting for 19 of these offences. Cannabis and amphetamines were the most common narcotics seized by the police.

“This year, the enforcement operation at the end-of-school weekend focused on children under the age of 18, and the aim was to carry out mainly visible surveillance. This explains the halving of the number of narcotics offences detected compared to last year,” Korhonen said.

In many areas, the enforcement operation was carried out together with youth and social services and the Regional State Administrative Agency. The statistics could look much worse without effective and smooth cooperation between the authorities.

A total of 341 persons under the age of 18, 64 of whom were under the age of 15, were found guilty of offences during the week the school year ended.

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

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