Peace Organizations Take Hit as Gov’t Tightens Purse Strings

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Govt cuts funding to peace organisations

The four-party alliance government led by Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party-NCP) has decided to stop grants for peace work from the next year, said the Peace Union of Finland, an umbrella organisation for 16 Finnish associations working for peace, in a press release on Friday.

The government informed the union about the decision on Friday morning, said Laura Lodenius, Executive Director of the Peace Union of Finland in the press release.

The government took the decision as a part of its austerity measures announced on April 16.

The Peace Union expressed concern over the decision and said that the government took the decision as a move to weaken the operating conditions of civil society in Finland.

The Union also said that the operating conditions of peace movement have also been weakened in the new NATO country Sweden and abolished completely in Russia, Belarus and Hungary.


  1. EmilySmith86 says

    It’s disappointing to see the government cutting funding to peace organizations. Such moves only hinder the progress towards a more peaceful society. Governments should prioritize support for initiatives working towards peace, not undermine them.

  2. Emily_Miller says

    It’s disheartening to see the government cutting funding for peace organizations. Supporting peace initiatives should be a priority for any responsible government, not something to be sacrificed in austerity measures.

  3. EmilyJohnson says

    It is disheartening to see the government cutting grants for peace work. Such decisions only undermine efforts to promote peace and stability in society. The importance of supporting peace organizations cannot be overstated, especially during times of austerity measures. I hope there will be reconsideration of this decision for the greater good of our country.

  4. Matt Johnson says

    It’s disheartening to see the government cutting funding for peace organizations. Civil society plays a crucial role in promoting peace and understanding, and these actions only weaken those efforts. It’s important for the government to support such initiatives instead of hindering them.

  5. EmilySmith says

    I am deeply disappointed by the government’s decision to stop grants for peace work. It is crucial to support initiatives that aim to promote peace and stability in our society. This move will only hinder the progress towards a more peaceful world.

  6. EmilyJones87 says

    It’s disappointing to see the government cutting grants for peace work. Supporting civil society initiatives like these is crucial for a harmonious society. Hope this decision can be reconsidered for the greater good.

  7. EmilySmith87 says

    It’s disheartening to see the government cutting funding for peace organizations. Supporting peace initiatives should be a priority for any responsible government, not an area to be neglected.

  8. EmilySmith23 says

    How can the government justify cutting grants for peace work, especially at a time when civil society and peace movements are crucial for fostering unity and cooperation?

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