Slovenian Embassy Staff Booted Out by Russia, French Ambassador Gets a Summons

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Russia expels Slovenian embassy employee, summons French envoy

Russia declared one employee of the Embassy of Slovenia a "persona non grata" as a retaliatory move after Ljubljana expelled a Russian diplomat, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Friday, reported Xinhua.

On Friday morning, the ministry summoned the Slovenian Ambassador to Russia Darja Bavdaz Kuret to lodge a protest regarding "the groundless deprivation of accreditation" of a Russian embassy employee in Slovenia, the ministry said in a statement.

"We consider this another openly unfriendly step in the context of Ljubljana's general course towards destroying Russian-Slovenian ties. Responsibility for the consequences of such a destructive policy lies entirely with the Slovenian side," the statement read.

Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry on Friday summoned French Ambassador to Russia Pierre Levy over comments by French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Stephane Sejourne.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sejourne said that France was not interested in dialogue with Russia as statements from Russian officials allegedly contained false information.

Such remarks are unacceptable and detached from reality, the ministry said in a statement.

Russia regards these remarks as a conscious and thoughtful action of the French side, aimed at undermining the very possibility of any dialogue between the two countries, the statement said.


  1. EmilyJones says

    Do you think the actions taken by Russia in expelling the Slovenian embassy employee and summoning the French envoy will further escalate tensions between the countries involved?

    1. AlexanderSmith says

      Yes, I believe Russia’s expulsion of the Slovenian embassy employee and summoning the French envoy will definitely escalate tensions. These actions are clear indicators of growing diplomatic strains and hostility between the nations.

  2. EmilySmith123 says

    Do you think the expulsion of the Slovenian Embassy staff by Russia will have a long-term impact on Russian-Slovenian relations?

    1. TomJohnson456 says

      It’s possible that the expulsion of the Slovenian Embassy staff by Russia could strain Russian-Slovenian relations in the long term. Such tit-for-tat actions often create ripple effects that are hard to predict.

  3. AliceSmith123 says

    It’s disheartening to see diplomatic relations deteriorate between countries. Both sides need to engage in constructive dialogue rather than resorting to tit-for-tat expulsions and summons. Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail in resolving these tensions.

  4. Alexandra_Smith says

    Russia’s decision to expel the Slovenian Embassy staff member seems unnecessarily harsh. It is disappointing to see diplomatic relations being strained in this manner. Hopefully, both countries can engage in constructive dialogue to resolve issues peacefully.

  5. AlexandraMiller says

    It’s concerning to see diplomatic tensions escalating between Russia and European countries like Slovenia and France. Dialogue and mutual understanding are crucial in maintaining peace and cooperation on the international stage. It’s disheartening to see such actions leading to further division rather than fostering diplomatic solutions.

  6. Emily94 says

    Was the expulsion of the Slovenian embassy staff by Russia truly justified based on the actions of Ljubljana?

    1. Michael82 says

      Yes, the expulsion of the Slovenian embassy staff by Russia was justified as a reciprocal measure in response to Ljubljana’s expulsion of a Russian diplomat. These diplomatic actions often reflect tense international relations between countries.

  7. EmmaSmith22 says

    It’s concerning to see the escalating tensions between Russia and Slovenia, and now even involving France. Diplomatic expulsions and summonses only serve to widen the gap between nations. Hopefully, dialogue and mutual respect can prevail to prevent further deterioration of relations.

  8. AvaSmith77 says

    I believe that diplomatic expulsions and summoning ambassadors only serve to further deteriorate international relations. It would be more constructive for countries to engage in dialogue and find common ground rather than resorting to such hostile actions.

  9. JuliaSmith92 says

    I believe that diplomatic conflicts like this only lead to more tensions and misunderstandings between countries. It’s crucial for nations to engage in constructive dialogue and find peaceful solutions instead of resorting to expelling diplomats and summoning ambassadors.

  10. JuliaSmith93 says

    As a diplomatic correspondent, I find it concerning that the tension between Russia and other countries continues to escalate. It is essential for global stability that dialogue and communication are maintained, rather than resorting to retaliatory measures. Hopefully, both sides can find a way to de-escalate the situation and work towards a peaceful resolution.

  11. Emma Smith says

    I believe that diplomatic tensions between countries should be resolved through peaceful dialogue and mutual respect. It is concerning to see the expulsion of embassy staff, as it can further strain international relations. Both parties should strive to find common ground and engage in constructive communication to avoid escalating conflicts.

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