Govt refuses 16 applications for offshore wind power projects

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Govt refuses 16 applications for offshore wind power projects

The Government has issued a negative decision on 16 applications for exploitation rights concerning offshore wind power in the exclusive economic zone, said the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in a press release on Thursday.

Many of the areas located in the Gulf of Bothnia overlap each other.

The decision does not prohibit the development of offshore wind projects in the sea areas concerned.

The aim is that the decisions on offshore wind projects in Finland’s exclusive economic zone are based on clear rules.

These rules will be defined in the legislative project on the exclusive economic zone currently under preparation.

The Government's goal is that the first areas for wind power projects in the exclusive economic zone could be selected and the first tendering processes launched already at the end of next year on the basis of clear rules in accordance with the new act.

The applicants that received a negative decision are Halla Offshore Wind Oy and Laine Offshore Wind Oy (subsidiaries of OX2 Finland Oy); Navakka Offshore Ab and Wellamo Offshore Ab (subsidiaries of Eolus Offshore Ab); Skyborn Renewables Offshore Finland Oy; Ilmatar Vågskär Ab, Ilmatar Bothnia & Bothnia West Ab and Ilmatar Offshore Ab (subsidiaries of Ilmatar Energy Oy); Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy; and Pohjan Puhuri Oy and Pohjan Viima Oy (owned by a fund managed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners P/S).

The companies had applied for exclusive exploitation rights to use an area for offshore wind power for 40–70 years.

The projects, for which the exclusive rights were applied, are at different stages of development.

Some projects have pending applications for a research permit that enables the applicant to begin research, while for others an environmental impact assessment is already well under way.

The applications for exploitation rights have been submitted under section 6 of the Act on the Exclusive Economic Zone of Finland.

Based on that, only consents to explore the project area have been granted to offshore wind power projects so far.

In addition, an offshore wind project requires a consent for the actual construction work referred to in section 7.

The applied rights of exploitation would be between these stages and, in accordance with the application, would guarantee an exclusive right to offshore wind power use in a certain area for a fixed period.

The current Act on the Exclusive Economic Zone does not take into account the special characteristics of offshore wind power, such as situations where several companies are interested in the same sea area.

Based on the wording of the Act, the Government has considerable discretion on the exploitation rights contained in the Act.

The Act does not lay down conditions under which a right of exploitation must be granted or an application should be rejected.

Broad discretion enables the Government to consider different aspects in its decision-making.

The Government’s justification for refusing the applications for exploitation rights include its objective to create a predictable, clear and fair investment environment, the consideration of the overall interests of society, and the negative consequences that granting exploitation rights would have on the guiding effects of the new act under preparation.


  1. EmilyTheExplorer says

    Why were these specific companies refused and what criteria were used to make the decisions?

    1. Mark_The_Adventurer says

      These specific companies were refused due to the lack of compliance with the set criteria for offshore wind power projects in Finland’s exclusive economic zone. The decisions were based on a range of factors, including environmental impact assessments, technical feasibility studies, financial stability, and adherence to regulatory requirements. The aim is to ensure that only sustainable and well-prepared projects are approved for development in the designated sea areas. The stringent criteria are crucial for the successful and responsible expansion of offshore wind power in the region.

  2. Emily89 says

    It’s disappointing that the Government refused these 16 applications for offshore wind power projects. However, it’s crucial that the decisions are based on clear rules to ensure sustainable development in Finland’s exclusive economic zone.

  3. Emily123 says

    Why did the government refuse these 16 applications for offshore wind power projects? What were the main reasons behind their decision?

    1. MarkJohnson82 says

      Hi Emily123, the Government refused these 16 applications for offshore wind power projects due to the overlapping areas in the Gulf of Bothnia. They aim to establish clear rules for offshore wind projects in Finland’s exclusive economic zone to guide future developments. Stay tuned for updates on the legislative project that will define these rules.

  4. Julia1990 says

    It’s disappointing that the government has rejected 16 applications for offshore wind power projects. However, it’s crucial that clear rules are established for future developments in Finland’s exclusive economic zone. Let’s hope the new act will pave the way for successful projects in the near future.

  5. EmilySmith92 says

    It is disappointing that the Government has refused these 16 applications for offshore wind power projects. However, it is crucial that clear rules are established to guide future decisions in Finland’s exclusive economic zone. Hopefully, a transparent process will lead to the selection of suitable areas for wind power projects in the near future.

  6. Laura_1985 says

    It’s disappointing that the government refused these applications for offshore wind power projects. I believe sustainable energy sources should be a priority, especially in today’s climate crisis.

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