Centre Confirms Splitting Up Southern Savonia Ain’t Gonna Happen, Says Kulmuni

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				Breaking up Southern Savonia won’t work for Centre, confirms Kulmuni

Katri Kulmuni, the chairperson of the Centre, presented the party’s new visual look to members of the media in Helsinki on 13 June 2020. (Roni Rekomaa – Lehtikuva)

KATRI KULMUNI, the chairperson of the Centre, has declared that the ruling party is opposed to the provincial division laid down in the social and health care reform proposal of Krista Kiuru (SDP), the Minister of Social Affairs and Health.

Kulmuni confirmed the party’s firm position on the issue on Facebook on Wednesday, echoing the statements of Jari Leppä (Centre), the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.

“The government submitted its proposal for the social and health care reform for comments a couple of weeks ago. The proposal that was submitted for comments isn’t unfortunately ready,” she wrote, stressing that it is high time to push the long-awaited reform over the finish line.

“One of the contested issues is the social and health care district of Southern Savonia. The Centre Parliamentary Group’s position is clear: the […] reform must be carried out based on existing regional borders with the sole exception of Uusimaa. It isn’t worthwhile to re-draw the borders because of this reform, and the Centre won’t approve of splitting up Southern Savonia.”

The newly unveiled proposal laid out two options for members of the joint municipal authority for health care in Eastern Savonia: Enonkoski, Rantasalmi, Savonlinna and Sulkava, it states, could become part of either Northern Savonia or Southern Savonia.

Leppä, a native of Southern Savonia, told Suomenmaa in June that he is firmly opposed to the idea of splitting up Southern Savonia.

“The government programme contains no decisions the kind of division of Southern Savonia that Kiuru is pushing like a snake into a barrel. If we start making decisions that don’t align with the government programme, at least we should first agree on them together,” he said.

“It’s absolutely clear that the Southern Savonia region would lose its vitality if Savonlinna left,” added Leppä.

Suomenmaa wrote that the municipalities have stated a preference for Kuopio and Northern Savonia over Southern Savonia.

Leppä said the Centre would not hesitate to abandon the ruling five-party coalition if the region is split up. “If the Southern Savonia region is broken up, the Centre will break up the government,” he declared.

The Finnish government has stated that one objective of the long-discussed reform is to establish a single and cohesive provincial division that not only defines the responsibility areas of social and health care districts, but also serves as the operating areas of joint regional authorities and the basis for regional administrations.

The legislation would be similar to that on local governments in that it would grant the provinces the possibility to organise their administrative work based on the local needs.

Citizens, organisations and other stakeholders can comment on the reform proposal until 25 September.

Aleksi Teivainen – HT

Source: www.helsinkitimes.fi

  1. EmmaSmith says

    Isn’t there a way to compromise on the Southern Savonia issue without completely breaking up the province?

    1. Katie Johnson says

      EmmaSmith, compromise on the Southern Savonia issue could be achieved through dialogue and finding common ground among stakeholders. It’s essential to consider all perspectives and work towards a solution that benefits the province as a whole. Breaking up the province might not be the only option on the table.

  2. Kate Anderson says

    Is it feasible to carry out the social and health care reform based on existing regional borders as proposed by the Centre, or should Southern Savonia be split up as suggested in the initial proposal?

    1. Sam Jones says

      “It’s essential to consider the implications of splitting up Southern Savonia. Based on the Centre’s position, the reform should proceed without dividing the region, ensuring continuity and stability.”

  3. Jenna Smith says

    KATRI KULMUNI, the chairperson of the Centre, has declared that the ruling party is opposed to the provincial division laid down in the social and health care reform proposal of Krista Kiuru (SDP), the Minister of Social Affairs and Health.
    Kulmuni confirmed the party’s firm position on the issue on Facebook on Wednesday, echoing the statements of Jari Leppä (Centre), the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.

  4. Kate Johnson says

    Does the opposition from the Centre mean that the proposal for the social and health care reform will face challenges in moving forward? How are other parties responding to this dispute over splitting up Southern Savonia?

    1. Kyle Thompson says

      As per Katri Kulmuni’s statement, the Centre’s strong opposition to the provincial division proposed by Krista Kiuru signals potential challenges for the advancement of the social and health care reform. Other parties are likely to engage in discussions to address the dispute over the splitting up of Southern Savonia.

  5. Kathy Smith says

    KATRI KULMUNI, the chairperson of the Centre, has declared that the ruling party is opposed to the provincial division laid down in the social and health care reform proposal of Krista Kiuru (SDP), the Minister of Social Affairs and Health. Kulmuni confirmed the party’s firm position on the issue on Facebook on Wednesday, echoing the statements of Jari Leppä (Centre), the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.

  6. Kate Morgan says

    Katri Kulmuni, the chairperson of the Centre, asserts that the ruling party opposes the provincial division in the social and health care reform proposal. The clear stance she articulated on Facebook is in line with Minister Jari Leppä’s statements, emphasizing the need to finalize the awaited reform swiftly. The Centre’s position is unwavering: the reform should adhere to existing regional boundaries, except for Uusimaa, as it deems unnecessary to split up Southern Savonia.

  7. Katrina Johnson says

    Katri Kulmuni, the chairperson of the Centre, strongly asserts that the party opposes the division proposed in the social and health care reform. The government’s proposal is still not finalized, and it is crucial to complete the reform. The Centre is firm in its stance that Southern Savonia should not be split up, except for Uusimaa.

  8. Katja Johnson says

    Katri Kulmuni, the chairperson of the Centre, clearly articulates the party’s stance on the provincial division issue. She emphasizes the importance of moving forward with the long-awaited reform and asserts that the Centre will not support the splitting up of Southern Savonia.

  9. Emily Smith says

    Emily Smith, a concerned citizen, expresses her strong support for Katri Kulmuni’s firm stance against the splitting up of Southern Savonia. She believes that the proposed social and health care reform should respect the existing regional borders and not introduce unnecessary divisions. Emily commends Kulmuni and the Centre party for prioritizing the completion of the long-awaited reform and urges all parties to work together for the benefit of the region.

  10. Kristen Smith says

    As the chairperson of the Centre, Katri Kulmuni’s strong stance against splitting up Southern Savonia in the social and health care reform is commendable. It is crucial to uphold existing regional borders for the reform to progress smoothly.

  11. Katrina Johnson says

    KATRI KULMUNI, the chairperson of the Centre, has declared that the ruling party is opposed to the provincial division laid down in the social and health care reform proposal of Krista Kiuru (SDP), the Minister of Social Affairs and Health. Kulmuni confirmed the party’s firm position on the issue on Facebook on Wednesday, echoing the statements of Jari Leppä (Centre), the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.

  12. Kate Smith says

    Isn’t there any possibility for compromise on the issue of splitting up Southern Savonia, considering the concerns raised by the Centre Parliamentary Group?

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