Annual outage of Loviisa Nuke plant to begin on Aug 4

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Annual outage of Loviisa Nuke plant to begin on Aug 4

The annual outage of Fortum’s Loviisa nuclear power plant will begin with Unit 2 on August 4th, followed by the servicing of Unit 1, said Fortum in a press release on Wednesday.

This year, Loviisa 2 will undergo a short outage and Loviisa 1 will undergo the extensive annual outage, the so-called 4-year annual outage.

The annual outages are expected to last about 51 days.

During the annual outages, a quarter of the fuel will be replaced.

In addition to this, both units will undergo various types of preliminary maintenance work, inspections, repairs and tests.

”Nuclear power generates electricity around the clock for most of the year, but once a year the nuclear reactor must be shut down for fuel change and certain servicing and maintenance work. In this way, we will again secure uninterrupted electricity production for the coming year”, said Sasu Valkamo, Senior Vice President of Loviisa power plant.

In addition to the regular personnel working at the power plant, about 700 contractor employees will participate in the annual outage.

Annual outages are also important in the long-term life cycle management of the power plant.

In February 2023, the Finnish Government granted a new operating license for the Loviisa nuclear power plant until 2050.

The lifetime extension is based on an investment portfolio containing numerous projects.

The projects will involve replacing power plant equipment, components and systems and upgrades to buildings and infrastructure.

Some of the projects will be carried out during annual outages.

”We have busy years ahead of us in Loviisa, during which we will improve the plant project by project while at the same time delivering reliable clean energy. Our aim is for the power plant to operate just as stably, reliably and safely during the new operating period as it has thus far," said Valkamo.


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