3 People Busted for Trying to Cross English Channel Resulting in Deaths

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3 arrested over deaths of people attempting to cross English Channel

Three men have been arrested in connection with the deaths of five people who were attempting to cross the English Channel, UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) said on Wednesday, reported Xinhua.

Investigators are questioning them on suspicion of facilitating illegal immigration and entering the UK illegally, said Craig Turner, deputy director of investigations of the NCA.

Five people – including a seven-year-old girl – died while trying to cross the English Channel to Britain off the coast of northern France on Tuesday. The boat was believed to be carrying 112 people on board when it could only safely carry around 20 people.

"This tragic incident demonstrates the threat to life posed by these crossings and brings into focus why it is so important to target these criminal gangs involved in organising them," Turner said in a statement.

Data from UK's Home Office showed that over 6,000 migrants have arrived in the UK in small and overcrowded boats since the start of 2024.

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

  1. EmilySmith22 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about these tragic deaths. The criminals responsible for facilitating such dangerous journeys need to be held accountable. We must work towards preventing these illegal crossings to avoid more senseless loss of life.

  2. Emily_Baker says

    It’s heart-wrenching to hear about such tragedies in the English Channel. The authorities must take strict action against those involved in illegal immigration to prevent further loss of innocent lives. My thoughts are with the victims and their families during this difficult time.

  3. EmilySmith123 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about these tragic deaths. I hope that authorities can prevent such incidents in the future by cracking down on these criminal gangs involved in illegal crossings.

  4. EmilyBrown says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about the loss of lives due to illegal immigration attempts. Those responsible for these tragedies must be held accountable for the harm they cause. We need stricter measures to deter such dangerous crossings and protect vulnerable migrants.

  5. EmilySmith87 says

    It’s truly heartbreaking to hear about such tragedies. These criminal gangs need to be stopped to prevent more lives from being lost during these dangerous crossing attempts.

  6. EmilySmith82 says

    It is heartbreaking to hear about these tragic deaths while attempting to cross the English Channel. The authorities must take stronger actions against those who endanger the lives of innocent people in their pursuit of illegal immigration.

  7. EmilySmith says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about the deaths of those who were trying to cross the English Channel. These criminal gangs need to be stopped to prevent more tragedies like this from happening.

  8. EmilyJohnson92 says

    It’s truly heartbreaking to hear about these tragic deaths resulting from illegal crossings. The perpetrators must be held accountable for putting innocent lives at risk. It’s crucial to address the root causes and dismantle the criminal networks behind these dangerous journeys.

  9. EmilyJohnson says

    It is heartbreaking to hear about the tragic deaths of those attempting to cross the English Channel. This highlights the urgency to crack down on criminal gangs enabling such dangerous journeys. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

  10. EmilyJohnson92 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about these deaths caused by illegal immigration attempts. Such tragedies highlight the dangers faced by individuals who embark on these perilous journeys. Authorities must step up efforts to dismantle the criminal networks behind these smuggling operations.

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