Struggling to Reach an Agreement on Pandemic Measures: WHO Faces Challenges

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WHO struggles over accord on pandemic measures

A planned international accord on how to limit deaths and coordinate international action during a pandemic is in the balance ahead of talks at the World Health Organization (WHO), reported dpa.

The WHO's 194 member states are aiming to reach agreement in Geneva from Monday. "It will be difficult," said one negotiator.

In the struggle to reach an agreement, the negotiators have presented a radically shortened draft compared to a proposal from before Easter. It now runs to 23 pages. Numerous controversial provisions have been omitted.

The international agreement is intended to save lives in the event of a future pandemic and ensure less chaos than during the coronavirus pandemic.

It is to be adopted at the next WHO annual meeting in Geneva at the end of May and beginning of June.

The aid organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said that the treaty must regulate global health and justice issues, and not just protect the interests of the industry.

Melissa Scharwey, MSF's expert on global health, told dpa that Germany must advocate for government investment in research and development to be conditional on equitable access later to medical products for people all over the world.

One controversial issue in the accord is whether and how pharmaceutical companies should be obliged to share expertise and make a portion of their products available to poorer countries free of charge or at low cost.

MSF is also calling for binding rules to ensure that vaccines can be produced in many countries in future.


  1. Alexandra92 says

    Will the international accord address the concerns raised by Doctors Without Borders regarding equitable access to medical products for all people worldwide?

    1. DavidSmith81 says

      Yes, the international accord is designed to address the concerns raised by Doctors Without Borders about ensuring equitable access to medical products for people worldwide. The negotiations aim to regulate global health and justice issues to prevent situations like the chaotic response to the coronavirus pandemic. It is crucial that pharmaceutical companies are obliged to share expertise and provide products to poorer countries at affordable or no cost. Germany is urged to push for government investment in research and development with the condition of ensuring fair access to medical products globally. Let’s hope for a successful agreement at the upcoming WHO meeting in Geneva.

  2. EmilyJohnson says

    It seems like reaching an agreement on pandemic measures will indeed be a challenging task. The negotiators have a tough job ahead in finalizing the draft for the international accord. Let’s hope for a solution that prioritizes global health and justice over industry interests.

  3. EmilySmith says

    Reaching an agreement on pandemic measures is crucial to ensure global health equity and access to medical products for all. It’s imperative that pharmaceutical companies prioritize sharing expertise and making vaccines available to poorer countries at affordable prices. Governments must invest in research and development with the goal of equitable access worldwide.

  4. EmilyJohnson says

    It’s crucial that pharmaceutical companies share expertise and provide vaccines to poorer countries at low cost to ensure global health equity. Germany should push for fair access to medical products worldwide.

  5. Emily Johnson says

    Do you think the negotiators will be able to overcome the challenges and reach a consensus on the pandemic measures at the upcoming WHO talks?

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