Paloheinä disc golf course completes

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Paloheinä disc golf course completes

The 18-hole Paloheinä disc golf course will be completed by the end of July and players can start using the course in the beginning of August 2024, said the City of Helsinki in a press release on Monday.

The 1st hole of the course will be opened later, as construction is currently underway on a snowmaking system for sledging in the area.

The course will be fully completed in spring 2025.

The paths and tees of holes 2–18 of the disc golf course will be completed by the end of July. This will be followed by the completion of new signs for the area, the protection of the area’s trees and the building of fences by the end of August.

In addition to bringing disc golf baskets to Paloheinänhuippu, the project is also adding new benches and waste bins along pedestrian paths.

“We bid all disc golfers welcome to Paloheinä, even though the course is not fully completed yet. The course is really nice, offering players a chance to enjoy a variety of different terrains and landscapes while playing,” said Project Manager Minni Karjalainen of the City of Helsinki.

All of the disc golf course’s holes are located on an artificial hill instead of valuable nature sites, of which there are many around the sports park.

The course features both meadows and forested areas, and the average width of the holes is 20 metres. The trees in their vicinity are protected.

The forested sections of the course were designed around the naturally formed corridors between the trees.

The existing meadows will continue to be managed as meadows so as to preserve their biodiversity.

Disc golfing in the meadow areas is restricted, and the areas of the course that see the most wear and tear feature paths covered with wood chips.

It is difficult to find locations suitable for full-sized disc golf courses in Helsinki, as disc golf requires a lot of space. The reason why the new course was constructed at Paloheinänhuippu is because the area was already reserved for sports and recreation.

Paloheinänhuippu was already being used for skiing, sledging and mountain biking before the construction of the new disc golf course.

The disc golf course will only be open during the summer; in the winter, the disc golf baskets will be removed so that the area can continue to be used for skiing and sledging.

The artificial hill has designated areas for mountain biking; in the disc golf course, the sledging hill and ski tracks, biking is prohibited.


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