Israeli PM Swears to Launch Ground Attack on Rafah ‘No Matter What’

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Israeli PM vows ground attack on Rafah ´with or without´ deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged on Tuesday to launch a ground attack on Rafah "with or without" a deal with Hamas, reported Xinhua.

Speaking in a meeting with families of hostages, Netanyahu said that Israel has begun the evacuation of Palestinian civilians from Rafah, according to his office.

"We will enter Rafah and eliminate Hamas battalions there, with or without a deal, to achieve the total victory," he said.

Israel considers Rafah as Hamas's last major stronghold in the Palestinian enclave. Rafah is Gaza's southernmost city, where about 1.2 million Palestinians have been seeking shelter.

The remarks were made as Israeli and Hamas negotiators were in Egyptian-brokered talks on a deal for a ceasefire for the nearly seven-month-long Gaza conflict, that will secure the release of hostages.


  1. MiriamGoldstein97 says

    I believe that military intervention should always be the last resort in any conflict. It’s crucial to prioritize diplomatic negotiations to avoid further escalation and loss of innocent lives.

  2. EmilyJohnson says

    Netanyahu’s determination to launch a ground attack on Rafah, regardless of a deal with Hamas, shows the intensity of the situation. It’s concerning to see civilians being caught in the middle of this conflict. Hoping for a peaceful resolution soon.

  3. EmilyJohnson92 says

    Netanyahu’s determination to launch a ground attack on Rafah, regardless of a deal with Hamas, shows the intensity of Israel’s efforts to eliminate the threat posed by Hamas in the region. It’s concerning that the safety of Palestinian civilians in Rafah might be at risk in this military operation.

  4. RebeccaSays says

    Netanyahu’s aggressive stance on launching a ground attack in Rafah is a dangerous move that will only escalate the conflict further. Diplomacy should be the priority over military action to ensure a lasting peace.

  5. SarahJohnson87 says

    I strongly disagree with Netanyahu’s approach of launching a ground attack on Rafah without a deal. Military actions should always be the last resort, and efforts should be focused on diplomatic solutions to avoid further escalation of violence. There must be a better way to achieve peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.

  6. EmilyJohnson says

    It’s concerning to see the Israeli Prime Minister’s determination to launch a ground attack on Rafah regardless of a deal with Hamas. The safety and well-being of civilians should be the top priority in any conflict resolution.

  7. EmilySmith says

    Is the ground attack on Rafah the only option Israel is considering to deal with Hamas? Could there be alternative solutions to achieve peace?

    1. JohnDavis says

      Hey EmilySmith, while a ground attack on Rafah may seem like the only option Netanyahu is emphasizing, there are always alternative solutions to consider in achieving peace. Diplomatic negotiations, economic incentives, and humanitarian efforts could potentially lead to a more sustainable resolution. It’s essential to explore every possible avenue before resorting to military actions. Let’s hope for a peaceful and constructive way forward.

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