Gov’t Creates Spots to Register Asylum Seekers – Where to Sign Up Now!

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In an extraordinary meeting on November 24, the government decided that people arriving across the eastern border will be processed in registration centers.

Government Decides to Establish Registration Centers for Asylum Seekers

“The Ministry of the Interior is preparing a regulation on registration centers. This is done for security reasons because we don’t know who is coming across the border. People will be held by the authorities until they are registered, which means personal data, fingers and a photograph, as well as register checks.”

That’s what Mari Rantanen (Finns), the minister of the interior, said on X on Thursday afternoon.

But, what are registration centers?


Life in the registration centers is more limited than in the shelters. Finland has previously resorted to them in 2015 during the refugee crisis.

Annu Lehtinen, the executive director at the Finnish Refugee Council, said to the Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat that the registration centers help to handle large numbers of people.

Lehtinen believes that the Ministry of the Interior’s intention is to create primary registration centers, where people stay for a short time to register and clarify their situation until they are transferred to, for example, reception centers as part of the normal asylum procedure.

Read also:  Government Closes Entire Eastern Border for Two Weeks; PM Orpo: Russia Created It. It Can End It.

“Restrictions on people’s movement can only be short-term and well-founded,” Lehtinen said.

“Such practices can be put in place if justified and for a short period of time, but then we cannot talk about periods of weeks, for example,” she continued.

On Friday, the government summoned in an extraordinary session where they decided to establish to put establishing the registration centers into practice.

The Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) and the police have considered it necessary at the moment to establish two registration centers, in Joutseno and Oulu, according to a memorandum from the Ministry of the Interior.

Migri is ready to establish a settlement center “within a few days,” according to Ilkka Haahtela, the director general of the Finnish Immigration Service.

“The readiness is very good. Together we will assess where and how many settlement centers need to be set up,” Haahtela said.

The government’s decision will be in force until December 23, 2023.  

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  1. Emily Peterson says

    It is essential for the government to prioritize security by establishing registration centers for asylum seekers. We must ensure proper processing and verification procedures are in place to safeguard the well-being of both the newcomers and local residents.

  2. Emma Smith says

    It’s important for the government to ensure proper registration of asylum seekers to maintain security. Mari Rantanen’s initiative is crucial in managing the influx of people and safeguarding the process.

  3. Annie Smith says

    In my opinion, the government’s decision to set up registration centers for asylum seekers is necessary for security reasons. It’s important to regulate who is coming across the border and ensure that proper procedures are followed for registration. This approach will help in handling large numbers of people arriving and maintaining control over the situation until further processing.

  4. Ashley Smith says

    It’s understandable that the government is setting up registration spots for asylum seekers for security reasons. We need to ensure that proper checks are in place to manage who is entering the country. Mari Rantanen’s initiative seems practical in handling this issue efficiently.

  5. Emma Johnson says

    “The government’s decision to set up registration spots for asylum seekers is a necessary step to ensure the safety and security of the country. It is crucial to know who is entering the borders and have proper documentation of their personal data. I support the implementation of registration centers for better organization and control of the asylum process.”

  6. Emily Davis says

    In my opinion, the government’s decision to establish registration centers for asylum seekers is a necessary step to ensure the safety and security of the country. It is crucial to know who is entering the border and to have proper documentation and checks in place. I support the Ministry of the Interior’s efforts to manage the influx of people through these centers to handle the situation effectively.

  7. Emily Johnson says

    It is crucial to ensure the safety and security of the country by having proper registration centers for asylum seekers. The government’s decision to establish these centers shows a proactive approach to handling the situation effectively.

  8. Annie Johnson says

    It’s important to ensure safety and security at the border, but let’s not forget the humane treatment of asylum seekers during the registration process. Respect for human rights must always be a priority.

  9. AshleyJones says

    What specific security measures will be in place at the registration centers to ensure the safety of both asylum seekers and staff?

    1. EmilySmith says

      Hi AshleyJones, it’s essential to ensure the safety of all individuals in the registration centers. Security measures may include surveillance cameras, security personnel, identity verification processes, and controlled access to different areas within the centers. Regular safety checks and protocols will also be implemented to safeguard the well-being of asylum seekers and staff members. Let’s prioritize a secure environment for everyone involved.

  10. Emma Watson says

    In my opinion, the government’s decision to establish registration centers for asylum seekers is necessary for national security. It’s important to ensure thorough registration with all required personal data and checks to prevent any potential security risks. I support the effort to manage incoming asylum seekers effectively and efficiently.

  11. Annie Smith says

    It is crucial for the government to ensure safe registration processes for asylum seekers arriving at the border. This measure will help maintain security and effectively manage the influx of people entering the country.

  12. Annie Smith says

    As a concerned citizen, I believe that the government’s decision to create registration centers for asylum seekers is necessary for national security. It’s crucial to know who is entering the country and ensure proper procedures are followed for everyone’s safety.

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