Finland’s Getting Ready to Add 10,000 Uni Spots for the 2020-22 Sessions

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Finland will create more than 10,000 additional study places in higher education institutions between 2020 and 2022.

The places will be increased to respond to the shortage of professionals in various fields and regions, as well as to offset the economic damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, reported Xinhua, quoting a press release of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The ministry said that it has agreed with the higher education institutions on the orientation of additional study places for 2020. For the courses starting this autumn, universities will receive a total of 2,048 additional study places, and polytechnics ( University of Applied Science) will receive 2,200 more students.

Money for increased study places has been allocated in the government's fourth supplementary budget.

In addition, between 2021 and 2022, approximately 4,300 additional study places will be added for universities, while 1,700 will be allocated to polytechnics.

By increasing the number of students in higher education institutions, the goal of the government program to raise the level of education to respond to the shortage of professionals in various fields and regions will be implemented, said the ministry.

Furthermore, the increase in university places is also aiming to offset the economic impact caused by the pandemic by investing in skills and access to education for young people.

"This has been a historic decision in such an exceptional situation," said Hanna Kosonen, minister of science and culture, adding that a study place is important for a young person and also for society as a whole.

Increasing university places will prevent unemployment and meet the future skill needs of working life, emphasized Kosonen.

Based on projected labor needs, most added study places have been targeted at technology, economy and business, computer science, as well as social and health care.

The government has decided to increase funding for universities for 2020-2022. The long-term goal is to increase the number of higher education graduates of 25-34 year-olds to 50 percent by 2030.


  1. Emily44 says

    Will these additional study places in Finland be focused on specific fields or will they be across various disciplines?

    1. MarkJohnson34 says

      Hi Emily44, the additional study places in Finland will be across various disciplines to address the shortage of professionals in different fields and regions. The goal is to increase access to education and skills for young people while offsetting the economic impact of the pandemic. Hope this helps!

  2. EmilyJohnson says

    Finland’s decision to add 10,000 more study places in higher education institutions is commendable. By increasing opportunities for students, the country is not only addressing the shortage of professionals but also contributing to the economic recovery post-COVID-19. It’s crucial to invest in education to ensure a brighter future for the younger generation.

  3. Emily Johnson says

    It’s great to see Finland taking proactive steps to address the shortage of professionals in various fields and regions, as well as the economic challenges brought by the pandemic. By increasing study places in higher education institutions, the government is investing in the future and providing opportunities for skill development. Kudos to the Ministry of Education and Culture for this initiative!

  4. EmilySmith says

    Finland is taking a proactive approach by adding 10,000 uni spots for the upcoming sessions. It’s crucial to address the shortage of professionals and mitigate the economic effects of the pandemic. Investing in education and skills is a smart move forward.

  5. EmilyJohnson says

    As an educator, I believe that expanding the number of study places in Finland is a crucial step towards addressing the shortage of professionals in various fields. It’s commendable to see the government investing in education to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic. This initiative will not only benefit the current workforce but also pave the way for a brighter future for the younger generation. Kudos to Finland for prioritizing education and skill development!

  6. JennySmith23 says

    Will the additional study places in higher education institutions in Finland be focused on specific fields or will they be across various disciplines? I’m curious to know!

    1. MichaelJohnson89 says

      Hey JennySmith23, the additional study places in higher education institutions in Finland will be focused on specific fields. According to the Ministry of Education and Culture, the places are being increased to respond to the shortage of professionals in various fields and regions. So, the emphasis will likely be on disciplines where there is a high demand for skilled workers. Hope that helps clarify things for you!

  7. LisaWilliams says

    Finland is certainly taking a proactive approach by adding 10,000 uni spots. This investment in education will not only address the professional shortage but also help in rebuilding the economy post-COVID. It’s a commendable step towards a brighter future!

  8. Jessica Smith says

    As an educator, I believe that adding 10,000 more study places in Finland’s higher education institutions is a crucial step towards addressing the shortage of professionals across various sectors. This initiative not only boosts the economy post-COVID but also provides valuable opportunities for young people to access quality education and develop essential skills for the future. Kudos to the Ministry of Education and Culture for this forward-thinking approach!

  9. SarahSmith25 says

    Will these additional study places be open to international students as well?

    1. JohnDoe89 says

      Yes, the additional study places in Finland will be open to international students as well. The goal is to attract talent globally and address the shortage of professionals in various fields. It’s a positive step towards promoting diversity within the educational system.

  10. EmilySmith_86 says

    It’s fantastic to see Finland taking steps to address the shortage of professionals and the economic aftermath of the pandemic by creating over 10,000 new study spots. Investing in education is crucial for the future workforce and the overall well-being of the nation.

  11. Emily89 says

    As a student myself, I think it’s a fantastic initiative by Finland to add 10,000 more study spots. Education is the key to addressing future challenges and creating a skilled workforce. It’s great to see the government investing in education and supporting young people’s opportunities during these uncertain times.

  12. EmilySmith says

    Is there a specific criteria for determining which fields will receive the additional study places?

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