Unexpected Find at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital During Israeli Siege

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Bodies discovered in Gaza's al-Shifa hospital after Israeli siege

Palestinian medical and security sources reported on Monday the discovery of at least nine bodies in the courtyard of al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, reported Xinhua.

According to Ismail Al-Thawabta, director of the Gaza Government Media Office, the bodies were victims of the Israeli army.

The recovery of the bodies follows an Israeli military operation at the Al-Shifa complex, which, as per Al-Thawabta, resulted in the execution of 400 people.

However, only nine bodies have been retrieved so far, and among the recovered were patients, some with medical supplies.

Activists on social media platforms have shared video clips showing the burial of numerous bodies under earthen barriers within the hospital's grounds.

Muatasim Salah, a doctor of the hospital, told Xinhua that the hospital was completely out of service after the Israeli siege, and it is difficult to resume work inside it at present.

He added that the Israeli army destroyed and burned all medical equipment in the hospital complex, including operating rooms, intensive care units, all specialized departments, and mortuary refrigerators.

Al-Shifa complex is the largest governmental health institution affiliated with the Ministry of Health, providing medical services in the Gaza Strip. Since March 18, the Israeli army had conducted a two-week siege in Al-Shifa.

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

  1. Samantha_87 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about the devastating impact of the Israeli siege on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. No one should have to suffer like this, especially not patients who needed medical care. My thoughts are with the people of Gaza during this difficult time.

  2. SarahJohnson123 says

    It’s heart-wrenching to hear about the tragic events at al-Shifa Hospital. The world must take action to stop the violence and protect innocent lives.

  3. MiriamSmith123 says

    As a healthcare professional, it breaks my heart to hear about the devastating impact of the Israeli siege on Al-Shifa Hospital. The inhumane actions of the Israeli army have not only resulted in loss of lives but have also crippled vital medical services for the people of Gaza. It’s a tragic situation that urgently needs global attention and intervention.

  4. Aisha2021 says

    It is truly heartbreaking to hear about the devastation at Al-Shifa Hospital. The actions of the Israeli army have caused immense suffering to innocent people. My thoughts are with the victims and their families during this difficult time.

  5. AishaSmith96 says

    It is heartbreaking to hear about the atrocities committed at Al-Shifa Hospital. The fact that the Israeli army destroyed essential medical equipment and facilities is beyond words. The international community must take immediate action to hold those responsible for these crimes accountable.

  6. Aisha Smith says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about the devastating impact of the Israeli siege on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. The loss of lives and destruction of essential medical facilities is truly tragic. International intervention is urgently needed to ensure the safety and well-being of the people in Gaza.

  7. Maria_Rivera says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about the devastating impact of the Israeli siege on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. The violation of medical neutrality and destruction of essential healthcare facilities is a severe breach of human rights. My thoughts are with the victims and their families during this tragic time.

  8. MeganJohnson says

    How could such a tragic event happen in a hospital setting? Were there any international organizations present to assist during the siege?

    1. AlexPeterson says

      Tragic events like these are unfortunately common in conflict zones where hospitals become targets of military operations. It’s heartbreaking to see healthcare facilities being attacked and patients becoming victims. International organizations often face challenges in providing assistance during sieges due to restricted access and security risks.

  9. EmilyJohnson says

    Were the bodies found in the hospital courtyard identified? What actions are being taken to investigate this situation further?

    1. RebeccaSmith says

      Yes, the bodies found in the hospital courtyard have been identified. The authorities are currently conducting investigations to further understand the circumstances surrounding this tragic situation.

  10. JennaSmith21 says

    Was there any condemnation from international organizations regarding the Israeli military operation at Al-Shifa Hospital?

    1. MattJohnson89 says

      Yes, several international organizations, including the United Nations and Amnesty International, have condemned the Israeli military operation at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. The indiscriminate targeting of medical facilities and personnel is a violation of international humanitarian law.

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