Gunman Takes Out Ecuador Mayor in Deadly Attack

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Ecuadorian mayor shot dead in armed attack

The mayor of Portovelo in Ecuador's southern province of El Oro was killed Friday in an armed attack against the municipal authority, reported Xinhua, quoting the National Police.

The mayor, Jorge Maldonado, "was shot and killed while carrying out personal activities in Portovelo," and the attack was allegedly carried out by "two antisocials on a motorcycle," the police said on social media.

The police said they had located an abandoned motorcycle, which had similar characteristics to the one used in the incident.

The motorcycle "will be part of the investigation to clarify the motive and arrest those responsible," according to the police.

Maldonado was elected mayor of Portovelo, a mining town in the country, in 2023.

The Association of Ecuadorian Municipalities lamented the crime and called for security for local authorities in the South American country.

The crime occurred just two days after the murder of Mayor Jose Sanchez of the Canton municipality of Camilo Ponce Enriquez, located in the southern province of Azuay, in an armed attack.

In March, Brigitte Garcia, the mayor of San Vicente in Manabi, was killed in a similar situation.

The murder of public officials has become recurrent in the country amid the "internal armed conflict" declared by the government in January against organized crime, following an escalation of violence.


  1. Emily Smith says

    Is there any information on the motive behind the attack on the mayor of Portovelo? It’s concerning to see these incidents happening to public officials in Ecuador.

    1. Diego Rodriguez says

      Emily, the authorities are investigating the motive behind the attack on the mayor of Portovelo. It is indeed worrying to witness such incidents targeting public officials in Ecuador.

  2. EmilyStone says

    It is truly devastating to see the escalating violence against public officials in Ecuador. The government must take immediate action to ensure the safety and security of all local authorities in the country.

  3. IsabelTurner says

    It is heartbreaking to see these continuous acts of violence against public officials in Ecuador. The authorities need to take stronger measures to ensure the safety and security of our elected representatives.

  4. EmilyJohnson84 says

    I find it deeply concerning and tragic to see the escalating violence targeting mayors in Ecuador. The authorities need to take urgent action to ensure the safety of local officials and address the root causes of this alarming trend. My thoughts are with the families of the victims and the communities affected by these senseless acts of violence.

  5. JanetDavis says

    It’s truly tragic to see the increasing violence targeting public officials in Ecuador. The authorities must take decisive actions to ensure the safety and security of all local leaders and prevent such heinous crimes from happening again.

  6. EmilyJohnson says

    It is truly devastating to hear about these senseless attacks on public officials in Ecuador. The authorities must take urgent action to ensure the safety and security of those serving their communities. My thoughts are with the families of the victims during this tragic time.

  7. EmilySmith says

    I can’t believe the frequency of such tragic incidents targeting public officials in Ecuador. It’s truly devastating to see the escalating violence and lack of security for those serving their communities. My heart goes out to the families of the victims and I hope that the authorities can bring those responsible to justice swiftly.

  8. EmilyJohnson says

    It’s extremely alarming to see the rising trend of violence against public officials in Ecuador. The authorities must take immediate and decisive action to ensure the safety and security of all municipal representatives.

  9. Emily123 says

    It is truly devastating to see these recurring attacks on public officials in Ecuador. The government must urgently prioritize the safety and security of its local authorities to prevent such heinous crimes from happening again. My thoughts are with the families of the victims during these difficult times.

  10. EmilyJohnson says

    It’s devastating to see such tragic incidents targeting public officials. The authorities must take immediate action to ensure the safety and security of our local leaders.

  11. AlexaSmith says

    It’s truly devastating to see such brutal attacks on local authorities in Ecuador. The government must take immediate and effective action to ensure the safety and security of all public officials. My heart goes out to the families of the victims. #StopViolence

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