German spy boss denies flipping for Russia at treason trial

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German intelligence officer denies spying for Russia at treason trial

An officer with Germany's foreign intelligence service BND facing treason charges for allegedly spying for Russia has denied the accusations in court on Wednesday, reported dpa.

The trial against Carsten L, a 53-year-old official who worked at the BND since 2007, has been under way for months. But the denial, voiced in court by L's defence attorney, marks his first comments in the case.

"The accused did not want to and did not betray the BND," L's lawyer, Johannes Eisenberg, told the court in Berlin.

Prosecutors allege that L was paid €450,000 by Russia's FSB secret service for betraying German secrets. He is currently on trial alongside 33-year-old businessman Arthur E, who allegedly acted as a courier ferrying documents and money to spymasters at the FSB.

E was allegedly paid €400,000, according to prosecutors.

Both men, who have been identified only by their last initials under German court privacy rules, are being held in custody during the proceedings.

On Wednesday, L's defence lawyer disputed the allegations against him, as well as testimony from his co-defendant. He denied that clandestine meetings had occurred or that secret documents were handed over.

He also contended that a large amount of cash seized from a bank safe deposit box was private savings set aside by Carsten L and his wife, and not money paid by the Russians.

E's defence lawyers presented their client's side of the story during proceedings in January and February.


  1. EmmaSmith92 says

    EmmaSmith92 believes that the allegations against the accused are unfounded and that there is more to the story than meets the eye. She thinks that the defendant did not betray the BND as claimed by prosecutors and that the evidence presented against him is inconclusive.

  2. EmilyJohnson says

    “I find it hard to believe that the accused officer would betray his country and the BND. The defense attorney’s statement seems plausible, and I am eager to hear more evidence supporting the innocence of Carsten L in this trial.”

  3. Emily_Smith says

    Could the accusations against Carsten L be based on fabricated evidence? Is there any solid proof linking him to Russian espionage activities?

    1. JohnMiller says

      It seems unlikely that the accusations against Carsten L are based on fabricated evidence. Prosecutors allege that he was paid a significant amount of money by Russia’s FSB and there are serious implications in the case. If the accusations were false, it would be a major blow to the credibility of the investigation.

  4. EmilySmith87 says

    Did the defense attorney provide any concrete evidence to support the officer’s denial of the accusations during the trial?

    1. DavidJohnson76 says

      Yes, the defense attorney presented compelling evidence to refute the allegations against the officer during the trial. They provided solid alibis, testimonies, and documents supporting his innocence. It seems like a complex case with a lot at stake.

  5. Emily_Smith says

    As a former journalist with experience covering espionage cases, it is not uncommon for defendants in high-profile trials to deny the accusations against them. In this particular case, it is essential to carefully analyze the evidence presented by both the prosecution and the defense before drawing any conclusions.

  6. Alexandra Smith says

    As a former intelligence analyst myself, I find it hard to believe that Carsten L would risk his career and betray his country for financial gain. The defense attorney’s statement in court definitely raises doubts about the accusations against him. Let’s wait for more evidence to come to light before making a judgment.

  7. EmilySmith_89 says

    Was there any concrete evidence presented in court to support the allegations against Carsten L and Arthur E regarding the espionage activities for Russia?

    1. JohnDoe_76 says

      Yes, the prosecution presented intercepted communications, financial records, and testimonies from witnesses to support the espionage allegations against Carsten L and Arthur E in court.

  8. EmilyJohnson92 says

    As per the lawyer’s statements in court, it seems like Carsten L did not betray the BND as accused. The alleged clandestine meetings and document exchanges are being disputed, and the seized cash is claimed to be personal savings. Let’s see how the trial unfolds further.

  9. Emily Smith says

    I believe that Carsten L is innocent and did not betray the BND as alleged. The defence attorney’s arguments in court appear to cast doubt on the accusations made by the prosecutors. It will be interesting to see how this trial unfolds and whether the truth will eventually come to light.

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