2 Bikers Busted for Sneaking Speed Across the Border

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Two members of the notorious Hells Angels gang were arrested on charge of suspected smuggling of 96 kilograms of amphetamine from the Netherlands to Finland, said the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on Tuesday.

The seizure was made in the Dutch municipality of Nieuweschans near the German border in early March 2020, as the authorities stopped a vehicle transporting narcotics and apprehended the people riding in the car, said an NBI press release.

The criminal investigation conducted in Finland is part of Operation Vidar, an extensive effort carried out by the Dutch authorities concerning investigation into the import of amphetamine by Hells Angels to Great Britain and Finland, among other countries. In the Netherlands, several individuals are suspected of offences. Some of them are members of the Hells Angels or Red Devils criminal organisations.

The criminal investigation established that in March attempts were made to import a total of 96 kilos of amphetamine to Finland. In the apprehensions and seizures conducted by the Dutch authorities, 86 kilos of amphetamine was found in a vehicle alleged to be on the way to Finland, and later another 10 kilos in a storehouse. The police also took possession of a mobile phone containing the details of the alleged recipient of the said drugs in Finland.

The NBI organised a joint operation with the Dutch authorities for establishing the recipients of the drugs. For the facts established in the operation, the authorities believe that the recipients of the drugs in Finland included a person, who, according to the information received by the authorities, is a full member of Finnish Hells Angels, born in 1976, and his alleged accomplice born in 1984, said NBI Detective Chief Inspector Kimmo Sainio.

The men are suspected of committing two aggravated narcotics offences, an explosive offence and an aggravated firearms offence. In the apprehension, nine kilos of hash, 38 kilos of explosives and a significant number of firearms, firearm parts and ammunitions were seized.

Besides the two, another person was apprehended in Finland in this connection.

According to the police, he is a Hells Angels full member in Finland. The man born in 1971 is suspected of aggravated money laundering offence and an aggravated narcotics offence.

He was surrendered to the Dutch authorities and for his part the consideration of charges will be conducted in the Netherlands.

The criminal investigation concerning the other two suspects will be referred to the Prosecution District of Southern Finland in early July for consideration of charges.

Founded in 1948 in the United States, the Hells Angels is a worldwide motorcycle club. The International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol), the US Department of Justice, and the Finnish police, among others, consider the club to be a criminal organisation.

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

  1. LisaSmith91 says

    Could the Hells Angels gang be operating in more countries than just Great Britain and Finland? How far-reaching is their smuggling network?

    1. JohnDoe83 says

      It appears that the Hells Angels gang has expanded their operations beyond Great Britain and Finland, as evidenced by the recent arrests and seizures in the Netherlands. Their smuggling network seems to be quite extensive and interconnected across multiple countries.

  2. EmilySmith says

    I strongly believe that criminal organizations such as the Hells Angels should face severe consequences for their illegal activities, especially when it involves smuggling harmful substances across borders. It is crucial for law enforcement agencies to collaborate internationally to effectively combat such criminal networks.

  3. JenniferSmith87 says

    It’s alarming to see criminal organizations like the Hells Angels involved in such large-scale smuggling operations. The collaborative efforts between the authorities of different countries are crucial in combating the illegal drug trade.

  4. Emily Smith says

    It’s alarming to see criminal organizations like the Hells Angels involved in smuggling narcotics across borders. It’s crucial for law enforcement agencies to work together to tackle such illegal activities and ensure the safety of our communities.

  5. EmmaJohnson says

    It is truly disturbing to see the extent of criminal activities carried out by gangs like the Hells Angels. The coordinated efforts between the authorities of different countries are commendable in cracking down on such illegal drug smuggling operations. The seizure of 96 kilograms of amphetamine is a significant blow to these criminal organizations, and I hope the investigation leads to the dismantling of their operations.

  6. JackJohnson87 says

    It’s appalling to see criminal organizations, such as the Hells Angels, getting involved in drug smuggling operations. This case is a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges law enforcement agencies face in combatting narcotics trafficking across international borders.

  7. LisaSmith81 says

    Are there any updates on the ongoing Operation Vidar and the investigation into the smuggling activities of the Hells Angels gang?

    1. JohnDoe87 says

      Yes, there have been recent developments in Operation Vidar. The joint operation conducted by the NBI and Dutch authorities has led to significant seizures of amphetamine linked to the Hells Angels gang. Authorities have uncovered attempts to smuggle large quantities of drugs into Finland and other countries. The ongoing investigation is shedding light on the extent of criminal activities involving these notorious groups. Stay tuned for more updates as the case progresses.

  8. Christina_Lawson says

    It’s disturbing to see criminal organizations like the Hells Angels involved in smuggling such large quantities of drugs across borders. I hope that the authorities continue to crack down on these illegal activities to ensure the safety of our communities.

  9. EmilyJohnson92 says

    Could you provide more details on the individuals involved in the smuggling operation and the methods used to transport the amphetamine across the border?

    1. MichaelSmith84 says

      Sure, EmilyJohnson92. The individuals involved in the smuggling operation are suspected members of the Hells Angels gang. The amphetamine was transported across the border in a vehicle intercepted by authorities in the Dutch municipality of Nieuweschans near the German border. The investigation revealed that attempts were made to import a total of 96 kilos of amphetamine to Finland in March 2020. The authorities found 86 kilos in the vehicle and an additional 10 kilos in a storehouse. More details may be disclosed as the investigation progresses.

  10. EmilySmith98 says

    It’s concerning to see the reach and influence of criminal organizations like the Hells Angels. The cooperation between authorities in different countries is crucial in combating illegal activities such as drug smuggling. This case highlights the importance of international collaboration in law enforcement to ensure the safety of communities.

  11. EmilyJohnson says

    It’s alarming to see criminal organizations like Hells Angels involved in smuggling such a large quantity of drugs across international borders. The collaborative efforts of the authorities in Finland and the Netherlands in apprehending the suspects and seizing the amphetamine are commendable. It’s crucial for law enforcement to continue cracking down on drug trafficking activities to ensure the safety and security of our communities.

  12. MeganJohnson89 says

    It’s alarming how organized criminal groups such as the Hells Angels continue to operate across international borders. The authorities must have more cooperation and coordination to tackle such illegal activities effectively.

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