Terrafame to Pause Production for 4 Weeks, Leaving Up to 60 Workers Unpaid

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State-owned mining and multi-metal company Terrafame has decided to bring the company’s battery chemicals plant to a halt for about four weeks, said the company in a press release on Friday.

The shutdown is a result of the industrial actions in Finland that have continued for several weeks and are affecting the logistics chain.

Because of the production shutdown, Terrafame has decided to suspend the payment of wages to the employees who will have no work during the shutdown caused by the strikes.

A total of about 140 employees work at the plant, and the suspension of wage payment is estimated to affect 50–60 employees.

The trade unions have been observing the strikes since March 11 protesting against the labour market reforms and cuts in working condition undertaken by the Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party-NCP) led four-party alliance government.

The unions, however, on Thursday decided to suspend their ongoing strikes from Monday.

Due to the strikes, Terrafame has not been able to execute the export deliveries of the products of its battery chemicals plant, which has forced Terrafame to store the products in its industrial area.

The possibilities for storing said products in the industrial area are limited due to, for example, restricted storage capacity and challenges in the availability of product containers.

During the shutdown, Terrafame will carry out early maintenance work at the plant. In addition, some of the plant personnel will be working on other assignments at Terrafame.

“So far, Terrafame has managed to continue its battery chemicals production despite the national strikes in Finland, even though the industrial conflict has caused challenges and uncertainties in maintaining production. Terrafame’s battery chemicals production serves the emerging electric mobility market in Europe in particular, and it is unfortunate that the company’s delivery reliability is suffering due to the strikes. Regrettably, our personnel is also affected by the halt in the production of the battery chemicals plant implemented due to the strikes,” said Seppo Voutilainen, Chief Executive Officer of Terrafame.

The shutdown of the battery chemicals plant will not affect Terrafame’s metal intermediates production.

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

  1. Emma86 says

    It’s unfortunate that up to 60 workers will not be getting paid due to the plant halt. The company should find a solution to minimize the impact on the employees who are affected by the strikes.

  2. Emily1990 says

    In my opinion, it’s extremely unfortunate that Terrafame has decided to pause production and leave up to 60 workers unpaid. The impact of the industrial actions in Finland on the logistics chain should have been handled differently to avoid such consequences for the employees. I hope the situation gets resolved quickly for the sake of all those affected.

  3. EmilySmith87 says

    It’s unfortunate that Terrafame is forced to pause production due to the ongoing strikes. The decision to leave up to 60 workers unpaid is concerning, and I hope this situation resolves swiftly for the employees and the company.

  4. EmilySmith says

    It’s concerning to see Terrafame halting production and leaving workers unpaid for weeks due to the ongoing strikes. I hope the situation gets resolved soon for the sake of the affected employees.

  5. Emily1987 says

    It’s frustrating to see the impact of these ongoing strikes on Terrafame and its employees. The decision to pause production and leave workers unpaid reflects the challenges faced by both the company and its staff. Let’s hope for a swift resolution to the labor disputes for the sake of everyone involved.

  6. Megan_Smith says

    It’s disheartening to see the impact of the strikes on both the employees and the company. Let’s hope for a quick resolution to the labor disputes so that everyone can get back to work.

  7. JohnSmith says

    It’s incredibly unfortunate that the employees at Terrafame are being affected by the production pause. Companies should prioritize the well-being and financial stability of their workforce, especially during times of industrial unrest. Let’s hope for a swift resolution to these issues for the sake of all those involved.

  8. MeganSmith85 says

    It’s unfortunate to see Terrafame having to pause production and leaving workers unpaid due to industrial actions. Hopefully, the situation will be resolved quickly so that the employees can get back to work and receive their wages.

  9. Ellie123 says

    Why is Terrafame deciding to pause production for 4 weeks due to strikes affecting the logistics chain? Will this decision have any long-term consequences on the company’s operations?

    1. JohnSmith74 says

      Hi Ellie123, Terrafame’s decision to pause production for 4 weeks is a strategic move to mitigate the impact of the ongoing strikes on its logistics chain. By temporarily halting operations, the company aims to address the disruptions caused by the strikes and ensure the smooth functioning of its operations in the long run. While the immediate consequences may include unpaid wages for some employees, the company’s proactive approach during this challenging period can help in maintaining stability and efficiency in the future.

  10. Emily Smith says

    It’s unfortunate that Terrafame has to pause production due to the ongoing strikes affecting the logistics chain. The decision to leave up to 60 workers unpaid during this period is concerning. Hopefully, the situation will be resolved soon for the sake of the affected employees.

  11. EmilySmith says

    It’s frustrating to see the workforce being affected by these industrial actions. The decision to halt production and leave workers unpaid is unfair. Terrafame should prioritize resolving the issues to ensure the well-being of its employees.

  12. EmilyJohnson says

    It’s really sad to hear about the struggles faced by the workers at Terrafame due to the production shutdown. Hopefully, the company and the unions can come to a resolution soon to minimize the impact on the employees and resume operations smoothly.

  13. EmilySmith says

    It’s disheartening to hear about the production pause at Terrafame and the unpaid workers. These strikes are affecting not just the employees but also the company’s operations. I hope the situation gets resolved soon for the benefit of all those involved.

  14. JennyJohnson says

    As a former Terrafame employee, I am deeply disappointed with the decision to pause production and leave up to 60 workers unpaid. It’s a tough situation for everyone involved, and I hope the company and the unions can come to a resolution soon.

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