The Lowdown on UNSC Jumping on the COVID-19 Resolution Bandwagon! Here’s What You Should Know!

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The Security Council on Wednesday adopted a resolution on COVID-19, demanding a general and immediate cessation of hostilities in all situations on its agenda, reported Xinhua.

Resolution 2532, which won the unanimous support of the 15 members of the council, calls on all parties to armed conflicts to engage immediately in a durable humanitarian pause for at least 90 consecutive days, in order to enable the safe, unhindered and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance, provisions of related services by impartial humanitarian actors, and medical evacuations.

It affirms that this general and immediate cessation of hostilities and this humanitarian pause do not apply to military operations against the Islamic State (IS), Al-Qaida and Al-Nusra Front, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with Al-Qaida or the IS, and other Security Council-designated terrorist groups.

The resolution requests the UN secretary-general to help ensure that all relevant parts of the UN system accelerate their response to the COVID-19 pandemic with a particular emphasis on countries in need, including those in situations of armed conflict or affected by humanitarian crises.

It requests the secretary-general to instruct peacekeeping operations to provide support, within their mandates and capacities, to host country authorities in their efforts to contain the pandemic.

It requests the secretary-general and UN member states to take all appropriate steps to protect the safety, security and health of all UN personnel in UN peace operations, while maintaining the continuity of operations.

It acknowledges the critical role that women are playing in COVID-19 response efforts, as well as the disproportionate negative impact of the pandemic, notably the socio-economic impact, on women and girls, children, refugees, internally displaced persons, older persons and persons with disabilities. It calls for concrete action to minimize this impact and ensure the full, equal and meaningful participation of women and youth in the development and implementation of an adequate and sustainable response to the pandemic.


  1. EmilySmith says

    As a humanitarian worker, I commend the Security Council for adopting Resolution 2532 in response to the COVID-19 crisis. It is crucial for all parties in armed conflicts to prioritize humanitarian aid delivery and medical evacuations for the next 90 days. This resolution underscores the importance of global cooperation in times of crisis.

  2. Jennifer_Smith says

    It’s great to see the Security Council taking action on the COVID-19 situation by adopting Resolution 2532. This resolution emphasizes the importance of humanitarian efforts and the need for a cessation of hostilities to ensure the delivery of essential assistance. It’s crucial for all parties involved in armed conflicts to prioritize the well-being of civilians during these challenging times. Let’s hope this resolution leads to tangible improvements in the humanitarian response to the pandemic.

  3. MeganSmith82 says

    It’s great to see the Security Council taking a united stance on the COVID-19 pandemic and prioritizing humanitarian efforts in conflict zones. The resolution’s emphasis on ensuring the delivery of aid and medical evacuations is a crucial step in combating the virus’s spread in vulnerable regions.

  4. Samantha92 says

    It’s about time the Security Council took action on COVID-19. This resolution is a step in the right direction to ensure humanitarian aid can reach those in need, especially in conflict zones. Let’s hope they follow through effectively!

  5. EmilySmith says

    It’s about time the Security Council took concrete action on COVID-19. The unanimous support for Resolution 2532 shows a promising commitment to humanitarian causes. Let’s hope this resolution leads to real, tangible assistance for those in need during these challenging times.

  6. Jennifer_1985 says

    Does the resolution specify any repercussions for parties failing to comply with the 90-day humanitarian pause?

    1. Samuel_1978 says

      Yes, the resolution outlines that parties failing to comply with the 90-day humanitarian pause may face targeted sanctions and other measures as deemed appropriate by the Security Council.

  7. EmilySmith says

    Resolution 2532 is a step in the right direction, but I believe more concrete action is needed to address the complexities of the COVID-19 crisis within conflict zones.

  8. EmilyMae23 says

    It’s heartening to see the UNSC finally taking concrete actions towards addressing the COVID-19 crisis. The resolution’s call for a temporary ceasefire in armed conflicts to facilitate humanitarian aid delivery is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of vulnerable populations. Let’s hope this resolution leads to tangible positive outcomes in the fight against the pandemic.

  9. EmilyJohnson says

    As an international relations enthusiast, I believe the UNSC’s resolution on COVID-19 is a crucial step towards promoting peace and ensuring the delivery of much-needed humanitarian assistance. It’s heartening to see unanimous support for such initiatives that prioritize the well-being of those in conflict zones.

  10. EmilyDavis says

    It’s great to see the UNSC finally stepping up and taking concrete action with Resolution 2532. This move towards a general cessation of hostilities and ensuring humanitarian aid delivery must be prioritized, especially in conflict zones. The inclusion of support for countries affected by armed conflict and humanitarian crises shows a much-needed global solidarity during this pandemic.

  11. EmilySmith92 says

    What impact will this resolution have on countries already facing armed conflicts and humanitarian crises?

    1. JohnDoe87 says

      This resolution could potentially provide a much-needed window of opportunity for countries in conflict zones to receive humanitarian aid and medical support amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. It emphasizes the importance of allowing safe access for humanitarian actors and medical evacuations, which could help mitigate the impact of the virus on vulnerable populations. However, the effectiveness of the resolution will depend on the willingness of all parties involved to adhere to the ceasefire and prioritize the well-being of their citizens over conflict. It’s a step in the right direction, but implementation and enforcement will be key.

  12. Emily123 says

    Do the exceptions mentioned in the resolution apply to all armed conflicts currently ongoing?

  13. EmilySmith2021 says

    As an avid follower of international affairs, I commend the UNSC for taking a stand against COVID-19 by adopting Resolution 2532. It is crucial for all parties involved in armed conflicts to prioritize humanitarian efforts and ensure the safe delivery of aid during this challenging time. Let’s hope this resolution leads to concrete actions that benefit the most vulnerable populations.

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