Swedes Feeling the Pinch with Smaller Paychecks

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A quarter of Swedish single households with dependent children had difficulties making ends meet last year, Statistics Sweden (SCB) said on Wednesday, reported Xinhua.

It was the highest proportion since the same study was first done in 2014 and up from 17.7 percent in 2022, according to the figures provided by SCB.

"Single-parent households have been especially hard hit by decreasing real wages due to inflation," Thomas Helgeson, SCB's head of living conditions and democracy section, told Xinhua.

The report indicates that 9 percent of two-parent households — the same proportion as in the population in general — had difficulties making ends meet last year, according to SCB.

Among the unemployed and those born outside Sweden, the percentage of individuals facing financial difficulties increased from 31 to 39 percent and 17 to 22 percent respectively from 2022 to 2023, according to the report.

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

  1. Emily_Social says

    It’s heartbreaking to see the rising challenges faced by single-parent households in Sweden. Decreasing real wages amidst inflation are severely affecting families. We need more support and solutions in place to help vulnerable households.

  2. SusanJ2023 says

    Do you think the government should implement new policies to address the struggles faced by single-parent households in Sweden?

    1. PeterOlsen1985 says

      Yes, the government definitely needs to introduce new policies to support single-parent households in Sweden. It’s crucial to ensure financial assistance and resources are readily available to help alleviate the challenges they are facing. By implementing targeted initiatives, we can strive towards providing a more stable and supportive environment for these families.

  3. EvaJohnson78 says

    It’s heartbreaking to see the struggles faced by single-parent households in Sweden. The increasing cost of living is hitting families hard, and it’s important for the government to take action to support those in need.

  4. Maggie_Swede says

    “It’s truly disheartening to see the financial struggles faced by Swedish families, especially single parents. The increasing financial burdens coupled with stagnant wages are making it incredibly challenging to make ends meet. We need better support systems to ensure the well-being of these households.”

  5. LindaJohnson says

    Are there any government assistance programs available to help single-parent households in Sweden cope with decreasing wages?

    1. MarkAnderson says

      Yes, Sweden offers various financial support programs for single-parent households facing income challenges. These programs aim to assist with childcare, housing, and living expenses to alleviate the impact of decreasing wages. It’s important for those in need to explore these resources to ensure a better financial stability for their families.

  6. Emma_Swede says

    Why are single-parent households being hit harder by decreasing real wages compared to two-parent households? Is there any specific support being considered for them?

    1. NilsNordic says

      Hi Emma_Swede, single-parent households may be experiencing a greater impact from decreasing real wages due to a variety of factors such as lower household income and fewer financial resources. Specific support measures for single-parent households could include targeted financial assistance programs, improved access to affordable childcare, and career development opportunities to increase earning potential. It’s important for policymakers to address the unique challenges faced by single-parent families in order to ensure economic stability and well-being for all.

  7. Linda83 says

    Do you think the government in Sweden is taking any steps to address the issue of decreasing real wages for single-parent households?

  8. EmilyJohnson says

    Are there any specific government initiatives in place to support single-parent households in Sweden?

  9. Emma Johansson says

    It’s really concerning to see the rising number of single-parent households struggling due to decreasing real wages. The government should take action to support these families in need.

  10. EmilySmith92 says

    Why are single-parent households in Sweden being hit so hard by decreasing real wages? Is there any government assistance available to support them?

  11. EmilyJohnson87 says

    Are there any specific government initiatives in place to support single-parent households in Sweden struggling with decreasing real wages?

  12. EmilySmith72 says

    It’s disheartening to see the struggle of Swedish single-parent households amid decreasing real wages. The statistics reveal a concerning trend that must be addressed promptly to ensure financial stability for families.

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