Finnish soldiers end EU training mission in Mali

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Finnish soldiers end EU training mission in Mali

Finland’s military participation in the European Union Training Mission in Mali (EUTM) has ended and the remaining four Finnish soldiers serving in the training mission have returned home, said Ministry for Foreign Affairs in a press release on Friday.

Since 2013, EUTM Mali has provided mentoring and training to the Malian armed forces to support restoration of a safe operating environment.

The EU Member States decided not to renew the mandate of EUTM Mali when it ended on 18 May 2024.

This means that the mission has been terminated, and most of its personnel have left the country.

More than 100 Finnish soldiers served in the mission after its launch in 2013.

Two Finnish experts will remain in EUCAP Sahel Mali, the European Union civilian crisis management mission in Mali.

Finland is active in military and civilian crisis management efforts of the UN, NATO, the EU and the Global Coalition against ISIL.

After concluding EUTM Mali, Finland will continue to participate in 12 other military crisis management operations.

The number of Finnish soldiers in these operations totals approximately 450.

The largest Finnish contingent, around 200 soldiers, is in Lebanon as part of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).


  1. EmilySmith says

    It’s great to see that the Finnish soldiers have successfully completed their training mission in Mali and returned home. Their dedication to mentoring and training the Malian armed forces is commendable. It’s important to continue participating in military crisis management operations to support global security efforts.

  2. EmilySmith says

    Why did the EU Member States decide not to renew the mandate of EUTM Mali? Was there a specific reason for terminating the mission? I am curious to know the underlying factors behind this decision.

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