Finland-Bangladesh Parliamentary Friendship Group launched

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Finland-Bangladesh Parliamentary Friendship Group launched

The Finland-Bangladesh Friendship group was officially launched at the Finish parliament on Tuesday with the view to boost engagements in various sectors between the countries, said a press release.

Ruling Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party-NCP) lawmakers Atte Kaleva and Janne Heikkinen were made the Chairman and the Vice- Chairman respectively of the group.

Bangladesh Ambassador to Finland Mehdi Hasan was present among others on the occasion.

The membership of the group will remain open to all Finish lawmakers and initially nine MPs joined the group.

The Finnish lawmakers and Bangladesh envoy discussed various bilateral issues including possible areas of engagements at the inaugural meeting.


  1. AmySmith87 says

    It’s great to see initiatives like this strengthening ties between Finland and Bangladesh. Hopefully, this friendship group will lead to fruitful collaborations in various sectors. Kudos to the lawmakers for their efforts in promoting bilateral relations.

  2. EmmaSmith says

    It’s great to see the launch of the Finland-Bangladesh Parliamentary Friendship Group. I believe such initiatives play a crucial role in fostering stronger ties between nations and promoting mutual understanding. Looking forward to the positive outcomes that this group will bring in terms of bilateral relations and cooperation.

  3. MeganSmith says

    It’s great to see such initiatives aimed at enhancing cooperation and relations between countries. This group can play a significant role in fostering collaborations in different sectors. Hope to see fruitful outcomes from their discussions.

  4. EmilySmith_89 says

    ‘I believe that initiatives like the Finland-Bangladesh Friendship group are crucial in fostering international cooperation and strengthening relations between nations. It is heartening to see lawmakers from both countries actively engaging in discussions to explore areas of collaboration and mutual benefit.’

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