Tragic accident: Kid gets run over by tractor in Kauniainen

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Child crashed under tractor wheel in Kauniainen

A 10-year-old child was killed in a tractor accident at Kauniainen, a municipality in Uusimaa region on Tuesday afternoon, police said in a press release.

The accident took place at about 2:00 pm when the child fell under the wheel of the tractor near a school and died on the spot.

Responding to an alarm from the tractor driver, police and rescue service people rushed to the spot and recovered the body.

There was another child at the spot, but the child was not injured. The child was sent to the physiological support centre.

The police, however, did not divulge detail about the accident.

Länsi-Uusimaa police are investigating into the incident to find out the reason behind the accident.


  1. EllaMiller_88 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about such a tragic accident involving a young child. My thoughts are with the family of the victim during this difficult time. Let’s hope that the investigation sheds light on what led to this unfortunate event.

  2. EmmaSmith32 says

    Was the tractor driver aware of the child’s presence near the school area?

    1. JohnDoe87 says

      It’s tragic to hear about the child’s accident. According to the information provided, the police and rescue team were quick to respond and recover the body. Let’s hope the investigation sheds light on the circumstances of the accident.

  3. Susan123 says

    Was proper safety protocol followed during this tragic incident?

    1. Mark86 says

      Yes, Susan123, it is crucial to ensure that proper safety protocol is followed in such tragic incidents to prevent any further harm.

  4. Emily_1989 says

    Such a heartbreaking tragedy. My deepest condolences to the family of the child. It’s devastating to hear such news. Let’s hope the investigation sheds light on what led to this dreadful accident.

  5. GraceSmith says

    My heart goes out to the family of the child. It’s truly devastating to hear about such a tragic accident. May the young soul rest in peace.

  6. Emily1990 says

    Such a heartbreaking incident. My heart goes out to the family of the child. It’s crucial that authorities thoroughly investigate to prevent such tragedies in the future.

  7. Susan83 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about such a tragic incident. My condolences go out to the family of the child. It’s crucial for authorities to conduct a thorough investigation to prevent such accidents in the future.

  8. Emily_Writer says

    How heartbreaking! My heart goes out to the family and loved ones of the child. This tragedy should serve as a reminder to always prioritize safety measures, especially around heavy machinery.

  9. EmilySmith says

    My heart goes out to the family of the child. This is such a tragic accident that should have never happened. I hope the authorities conduct a thorough investigation to prevent such incidents in the future.

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