Gov’s Got a Killer App to Track Coronavirus Chains Like a Boss!

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The application uses the phone’s Bluetooth technology to look at contacts from the previous 14 days in case the user tests positive for Covid-19.

Ministry plans tracker app to trace coronavirus chains

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is planning to introduce a mobile phone app to help trace the spread of coronavirus in Finland.

Other EU countries have already announced they would plan to roll out a similar schemes, which aim to enable faster identification of people exposed to the virus; be able to target testing resources more accurately; and to break chains of transmission.

Use of the app would be voluntary and people would have to opt-in to the service which uses the Bluetooth technology on mobile phones.

The app would collect data about recent encounters with other people also using the app on their phones, and then figure out who might have been infected in the days before someone tests positive for Covid-19.

Potentially, the app could send a message to other people who may have been in contact with an infected person to warn them to get tested themselves, or to self-isolate and watch out for any symptoms.

The ministry says the app would be regulated by data protection laws, and privacy laws and that it wouldn’t gather any personal information about the person using it on their phone.

Vaasa app trial tracks hospital workers

Meanwhile a similar smartphone application that helps healthcare professionals identify people who may have been exposed to coronavirus is being piloted at Vaasa Central Hospital during May.

In the testing phase for the Ketju app, the service is used by a small number of staff at the hospital to simulate possible patients as well as healthcare authorities in a controlled environment.

“Digital identification of those exposed to the coronavirus is important for the future of Finland as a whole and regionally for the Vaasa hospital district. We want to be at the forefront of looking for tools to solve the acute crisis” explains Marina Kinnunen, Director of the Vaasa Hospital District.

The app has been developed by Finnish tech companies and funded in part by Sitra.


  1. LauraSmith92 says

    I think it’s a great initiative by the government to introduce this app. It will definitely help in tracing and controlling the spread of the virus. People should opt-in to this service to help in the fight against Covid-19.

  2. AlexaSmith says

    I believe this app is a great initiative to combat the spread of Covid-19. It’s crucial for individuals to be able to easily trace their contacts and take necessary precautions if needed. The voluntary use of the app, along with the focus on data protection and privacy laws, ensures that people can make informed decisions while contributing to breaking the chains of transmission.

  3. LisaJohnson says

    I think it’s a great initiative by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health to introduce this mobile app for tracing the spread of coronavirus. It’s essential for enabling faster identification of those exposed to the virus, targeting testing resources accurately, and breaking transmission chains. The use of Bluetooth technology for this purpose sounds like a smart way to utilize existing resources.

  4. MaggieSmith17 says

    How secure is the app in terms of protecting user data? Are there any measures in place to ensure the privacy of users’ information?

    1. JohnDoe82 says

      The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has assured that the app is designed with robust security measures to protect user data. Strict protocols are in place to safeguard the privacy of users’ information, ensuring compliance with data protection laws and privacy regulations.

  5. CharlotteJohnson81 says

    As a concerned citizen, I believe that the implementation of such tracking apps can be crucial in controlling the spread of coronavirus. In times like these, every effort matters in safeguarding public health and safety.

  6. EmilySmith_27 says

    Wow, this app seems like a game-changer in our fight against Covid-19. I believe it’s crucial for individuals to participate and opt-in to these efforts to help break the chains of transmission. Exciting times for technology and public health!

  7. EmilyJones123 says

    I believe this app is a great initiative to combat the spread of Covid-19. It’s crucial to have technology that can efficiently trace contacts and notify individuals at risk. I appreciate the focus on privacy and data protection measures as well. Kudos to the Ministry for taking proactive steps!

  8. AlexaSmith says

    The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s initiative to introduce a contact tracing mobile app in Finland is crucial in combating the spread of Covid-19. It’s a proactive step towards breaking the chains of transmission and protecting public health.

  9. Ashley87 says

    I think this app could be a game-changer in the fight against Covid-19. It’s great to see the government taking proactive measures to help track and contain the spread of the virus. I believe that with voluntary participation and a focus on data protection, this app has the potential to make a real impact in breaking the chains of transmission.

  10. EmmaSays says

    I think it’s a fantastic initiative by the government to use technology in tracking the spread of coronavirus. The app seems like a great tool to help control the chain of transmission and protect public health.

  11. EmilySmith says

    I believe the use of this mobile app could be a game-changer in controlling the spread of Covid-19. It’s crucial for people to opt-in and participate voluntarily to help break the chains of transmission faster. I appreciate the emphasis on data protection and privacy, making it a reliable tool to combat the pandemic.

  12. Samantha_1987 says

    How does the app differentiate between close contacts for a longer duration and casual encounters? Is there a way to modify the settings for sensitivity?

    1. Max_Writer says

      Hey Samantha_1987, the app distinguishes between close contacts and casual encounters based on the strength and duration of Bluetooth signals exchanged between devices. It can detect proximity and exposure time to assess the level of risk. As for modifying settings, users will likely have the option to adjust sensitivity levels to customize their experience.

  13. Emily Smith says

    Considering the increasing threat of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is crucial for governments to implement efficient and innovative solutions for contact tracing. It’s promising to see the introduction of mobile apps using Bluetooth technology to track potential exposure and break the chain of transmission. I appreciate the emphasis on data protection and privacy, making it a voluntary opt-in service. Such initiatives are essential in the fight against the virus.

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