More bankruptcies filed in April

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More bankruptcies filed in April

A total of 293 bankruptcy proceedings were instigated in April 2024, which is 26 more than in April one year earlier, according to Statistics Finland.

In April, the number of staff-years in enterprises that filed for bankruptcy totalled 1,154, which is 286 staff-years more than in April 2023.

During the past 12 months, the number of bankruptcies was 13 per cent higher than in the 12 months preceding this period.

In April 2024, most bankruptcy proceedings were instigated in the industries of other service activities, construction and trade.

A total of 101 bankruptcy proceedings were instigated in other service activities, 74 in construction and 38 in trade in April 2024.


  1. EmilySmith87 says

    Does the article mention the reasons behind the increase in bankruptcies in these specific industries?

    1. FinancialInsights24 says

      Hi EmilySmith87, the article does not directly mention the reasons behind the increase in bankruptcies in these specific industries. However, factors such as economic downturns, changes in consumer behavior, and challenges in obtaining financing could be contributing to the rise in bankruptcy proceedings. It’s important for businesses in these sectors to closely monitor their financial health and consider proactive measures to mitigate risks. Hope this helps!

  2. MeganSmith123 says

    It’s disheartening to see the increase in bankruptcy filings, especially in crucial sectors like construction and trade. This trend reflects the challenging economic landscape that businesses are facing. Let’s hope for better prospects ahead.

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