Protesters try to enter Tesla factory grounds outside Berlin

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Protesters try to enter Tesla factory grounds outside Berlin

Activists tried to break into Tesla's electric car factory in Germany just outside Berlin on Friday during a demonstration against a proposed plant expansion, reported dpa, quoting to police.

So far, the demonstrators had not succeeded in accessing the Tesla plant grounds, a police spokesman told dpa on Friday afternoon, but had managed to overcome the first fences on the property.

The police spokesman described the situation as "dynamic."

One woman has been injured in the protests around the factory site so far, and three police officers have also been injured, he said.

According to the police, several arrests have been made.

The police had attempted to cordon off a wide area around the site, home of Tesla's only production plant in Europe. Police closed several nearby highway exits were closed.

As part of the demonstration marches to the site, there was also a sit-in on a country road near the plant. Masked protesters also set off fireworks and are staging a sit-in at the nearby Neuhardenberg airfield.

The latest demonstrations against the Tesla plant in the Berlin suburb of Grünheide began on Wednesday.

Climate activists have been occupying a nearby forest in tree houses since late February to protest against plans to clear the publicly owned woods to make way for the plant's expansion.

Authorities are taking legal action in an effort to remove the tree houses and evict the protesters from the forest.

Environmental advocates have also criticized the possible impact of an expanded Tesla plant on sensitive wetlands that are directly adjacent to the site.


  1. AmyJohnson says

    It’s concerning to see the escalation in tensions at the Tesla factory demonstration. I hope for a peaceful resolution for all involved.

  2. Emily_1989 says

    Do you think the protesters had a specific goal in mind when trying to enter the Tesla factory grounds or was it a spontaneous action?

    1. JohnSmith1975 says

      It’s likely that the protesters had a specific goal in mind when attempting to enter the Tesla factory grounds. Activist movements often plan their actions strategically in order to draw attention to their cause and disrupt the operations of the target. This type of protest is usually a result of careful planning and organization rather than a spontaneous act.

  3. Emily_1987 says

    Do you think the actions of the protesters will have an impact on Tesla’s plans for plant expansion?

  4. EmilySmith88 says

    I believe that protesting is a fundamental right, but resorting to violence and breaking into private property is not the solution. Dialogue and peaceful demonstrations are key to achieving positive change in environmental activism.

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