Wild Elephant in India’s Assam Tramples 4 People to Death

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4 trampled to death by wild elephant in India's Assam

At least four people, including two forest officials, were trampled to death by a wild elephant Saturday in India's northeastern state of Assam, reported Xinhua, quoting local media.

The incident took place in Dhiraimajuli area of Sonitpur district, about 147 km northeast of Dispur, the capital city of Assam.

"One person was killed by the wild elephant after he had strayed out of his house late in the night to attend to nature's call, while another person was killed in his attempt to chase the animal," District Forest Officer Pirai Sudhan said. "The wild elephant then trampled two forest officials to death who were patrolling the area."

The forest department officials have sounded an alert and rushed personnel to the area to intensify patrolling and control the elephant.

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

  1. Rebecca24 says

    I find it heartbreaking to hear about the tragic deaths caused by the wild elephant in Assam. It’s crucial for both the authorities and the local community to work together to prevent such incidents in the future and ensure the safety of all residents.

  2. EmilyJohnson79 says

    “It’s truly heartbreaking to hear about such tragic incidents caused by wild animals. My thoughts are with the families of those who lost their lives. It’s crucial for authorities to take necessary steps to ensure the safety of both the wildlife and the local communities.”

  3. Ashley123 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about these tragic incidents caused by the wild elephant. It’s essential for proper measures to be taken to ensure the safety of both humans and wildlife in the region.

  4. Sarah_1985 says

    Was there any specific reason why the wild elephant turned aggressive and trampled the people? Was it provoked in any way?

    1. Michael_1978 says

      It’s unfortunate that this incident occurred. Wild elephants can often become aggressive when they feel threatened or disturbed. In this case, it seems the elephant reacted defensively to individuals intruding on its territory, leading to this tragic outcome.

  5. Ashley_87 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about the tragic incident in Assam. The loss of lives due to a wild elephant is truly devastating. Authorities need to take immediate action to ensure the safety of the locals and prevent such incidents in the future.

  6. AshleySmith88 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about the tragic incident involving the wild elephant in India. The loss of lives is truly devastating, and it’s crucial for authorities to take necessary measures to ensure the safety of both the local residents and the wildlife in the area.

  7. EmilyJohnson88 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about the tragic incident involving the wild elephant in Assam. The loss of lives, including forest officials, is a stark reminder of the need for better wildlife management and human-animal conflict mitigation strategies in the region.

  8. AnitaSmith_87 says

    It’s heartbreaking to hear about the tragic incident in Assam. These majestic creatures deserve our respect and protection. My condolences to the families of the victims. It’s crucial for authorities to take measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

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