The death toll in Gaza from Israeli attacks skyrockets to a staggering 33,729 lives lost

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Palestinian death toll from Israeli attacks on Gaza rises to 33,729

The Palestinian death toll in the Gaza Strip from ongoing Israeli attacks has risen to 33,729, the Hamas-run Health Ministry said on Sunday, reported Xinhua.

In a press statement sent to Xinhua, the ministry said that the Israeli army killed 43 Palestinians and wounded 62 others during the past 24 hours, bringing the total death toll to 33,729 and injuries to 76,371 since the Israel-Hamas conflict broke out on Oct. 7, 2023.

Meanwhile, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich called for "invading Rafah and imposing control over the entire Gaza Strip."

Smotrich said on social media platform X that "abandoning the Israeli red lines and pursuing Hamas in order to reach an agreement will only eliminate the opportunity to return everyone (Israeli hostages) to their homes."

Israel has been launching a large-scale offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip to retaliate against a Hamas rampage through the southern Israeli border on Oct. 7, 2023, during which about 1,200 people were killed and more than 200 were taken hostage.


  1. EmilyJenkins says

    The escalating violence in Gaza is truly heartbreaking. It’s devastating to see the high death toll and the continuous suffering of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of this conflict. My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this tragic situation.

  2. Emily_Smith says

    Are there any international efforts being made to mediate the conflict and stop the escalating violence?

    1. DavidJohnson says

      Yes, there are multiple international bodies actively working to mediate the conflict and de-escalate the violence in the region. The United Nations, the European Union, and the United States are among those involved in diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire and promote peace talks between Israel and Hamas. It’s crucial for the international community to come together to find a sustainable solution to end the suffering of the Palestinian and Israeli people.

  3. MeganWilliams says

    It’s devastating to see the continuous escalation of violence in Gaza. My heart goes out to all the innocent lives lost and affected by this conflict. It is crucial for both parties to find a peaceful resolution and prevent further tragedies.

  4. EmilyJohnson says

    Is there any indication of when the violence might de-escalate in Gaza?

    1. MattSullivan says

      Unfortunately, there seems to be no sign of the violence de-escalating in Gaza anytime soon. The situation remains volatile and the death toll continues to rise at an alarming rate.

  5. DanielSmith86 says

    It’s heartbreaking to see the escalating violence and loss of life in Gaza. The international community must step in to facilitate dialogue and bring an end to this cycle of destruction.

  6. EmilyJones87 says

    It’s truly heart-wrenching to see the staggering number of lives lost in Gaza due to the ongoing Israeli attacks. The international community must step in to stop this senseless violence and advocate for peace and humanitarian aid in the region.

  7. MeganSmith88 says

    It’s heartbreaking to see the devastating impact of the ongoing violence in Gaza. The loss of so many lives is truly tragic, and it’s crucial for international efforts to step in and put an end to this senseless conflict.

  8. Amy1987 says

    I am deeply saddened by the escalating loss of lives in Gaza due to the ongoing Israeli attacks. The death toll numbers are devastating and we must urgently seek a peaceful resolution to end this senseless violence.

  9. Jenna92 says

    How can the international community help stop the escalating violence in Gaza and prevent further loss of innocent lives?

    1. Michael78 says

      Hi Jenna92, one way the international community can help stop the escalating violence in Gaza is by pressuring both Israel and Hamas to engage in meaningful dialogue and negotiations to reach a peaceful resolution. Additionally, providing humanitarian aid and support to the innocent civilians affected by the conflict can also make a difference in preventing further loss of lives.

  10. Rachel84 says

    It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see the death toll in Gaza climb to such devastating numbers. The continuous Israeli attacks are causing unimaginable suffering to innocent Palestinians. The international community must intervene and put an end to this senseless violence.

  11. EmilyJohnson says

    I am appalled by the escalating violence in Gaza. The death toll is devastating, and innocent lives are being lost every day. It’s crucial for both sides to prioritize peace and dialogue to prevent further tragedies.

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