Fatal road accident Involves Hungarian PM’s Motorcade in Germany

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Fatal road accident Involves Hungarian PM's Motorcade in Germany

One police officer was killed and another severely injured in a road accident involving Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's motorcade on its way to Stuttgart Airport, reported Xinhua, quoting German media on Monday.

The incident occurred around 11:15 a.m. (0915 GMT) when a 69-year-old female driver failed to notice the police blockade set up for the convoy. She collided with two police motorcycles leading Orban's vehicle, according to a statement from the Stuttgart public prosecutor's office.

The collision resulted in the death of a 61-year-old police officer, who was directly hit by the woman's car. The impact caused his motorcycle to crash into the motorcycle of a 27-year-old officer stationed at the intersection to ensure it remained clear for the convoy, the statement explained.

Emergency services responded promptly, but the 61-year-old officer succumbed to his injuries. The 27-year-old officer remains hospitalized with severe injuries.

Orban visited Germany on Friday ahead of Hungary assuming the rotating Council Presidency of the European Union starting on July 1.

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

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