Finland censures assassination attempt on Trump

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Finland censures assassination attempt on Trump

Finnish leaders on Sunday strongly condemned the attack on former US President Donald Trump during his election campaign in Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

The leaders on their social media posts also expressed empathy to the families and loved ones of all the victims of this attack.

“Appalled and shocked by the attack on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally. Glad to hear that he seems to be doing well. I strongly condemn this and any act of political violence. My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of all the victims of this attack,” President Alexander Stubb wrote in a post on his social media platform X on Sunday morning.

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo also expressed his condemnation terming the incident unacceptable.

“I condemn the shooting at former president Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Political violence is never acceptable in democratic societies,” Orpo wrote on X.

“Saddened by the attack on the former President Donald Trump in Butler, PA. I wish Donald Trump a speedy recovery. My condolences to the families and friends of the victims. Political violence is never an answer and thoroughly unacceptable,” Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen wrote on X.

Veteran Vihreä Liitto (Green League) leader and former Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto condemned the attack terming it shocking and appalling.

“Democracy can only function if candidates can campaign safely. There is no room for violence or fear. The attempted murder on presidential candidate Trump is shocking and appalling,” Haavisto wrote in his post on X.

“The shooting involving former President Trump at his campaign rally is sad and shocking news. I wish him a speedy recovery and strength to all the victims of the shooting. Political violence in all forms is utterly condemnable. Violence is never an answer in a democracy and there is no place for it,” wrote Antti Lindtman, leader of main opposition Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party of Finland-SDP) in his X.


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