Xi Shoots the Breeze with the U.S. State Secretary

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Xi meets U.S. secretary of state

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday afternoon, reported Xinhua.

Noting that this year marks the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, Xi said over the past 45 years, the relationship has gone through wind and rain, and the two sides can draw a few important lessons.

China and the United States should be partners rather than rivals; help each other succeed rather than hurt each other; seek common ground and reserve differences rather than engage in vicious competition; and honor words with actions rather than say one thing but do another.

Xi said he proposed mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation as the three overarching principles for the relationship, which are both lessons learned from the past and a guide for the future.

Xi emphasized that in his phone call with President Joe Biden three weeks ago, he shared his thoughts on how to stabilize and develop China-U.S. relations in 2024, and underlined that the two sides should value peace, prioritize stability, and uphold credibility.

"The finer details will fall into place when they are aligned with the bigger picture," Xi said he once stressed. The world today is undergoing transformation not seen in a century. How to respond to it is a question of the times and of the world.

Xi said his answer is to build a community with a shared future for mankind, which has become a flag of China's foreign policy and has been welcomed by many countries.

Planet Earth is only this big, and humanity is faced with so many common challenges. As an old Chinese saying goes, "Passengers in the same boat should help each other," he said.

"Today, as I see it, dwellers of the same planet should help each other. We live in an interdependent world and rise and fall together. With their interests deeply intertwined, all countries need to build maximum consensus for win-win and all-win outcomes. This is the basic starting point for China to view the world and the China-U.S. relationship," Xi said.

Xi underlined his view that major countries should behave in a manner befitting their status and act with broad-mindedness and a sense of responsibility.

He said China and the United States should set an example in this regard, undertake responsibilities for world peace, create opportunities for the development of all countries, provide the world with public goods, and play a positive role in promoting global unity.

Xi underscored that in his meeting with President Biden in San Francisco, he proposed five pillars for China-U.S. relations, namely, jointly developing a right perception, jointly managing disagreements effectively, jointly advancing mutually beneficial cooperation, jointly shouldering responsibilities as major countries, and jointly promoting people-to-people exchanges.

They should serve as the underpinning for the mansion of China-U.S relations. When the overarching principles are established, specific issues will become easier to address, Xi said.

"China is willing to cooperate, but cooperation should be a two-way street. China is not afraid of competition, but competition should be about progressing together instead of playing a zero-sum game," Xi said.

China is committed to non-alliance, and the United States should not create small blocs. While each side can have its friends and partners, it should not target, oppose or harm the other, he added.

"China welcomes a confident, open, prosperous and thriving United States, and hopes the United States will also look at China's development in a positive light," said the Chinese president.

Xi stressed that as a Chinese saying goes, "No progress means regress," it also applies to China-U.S. relations.

Noting that the stabilizing trend in China-U.S. relations did not come by easily, Xi said it is hoped that the two teams will continue working actively to follow through on the San Francisco vision he and President Biden reached, so as to truly stabilize, improve and move forward the bilateral relations.

Secretary Blinken conveyed President Biden's greetings to President Xi. He noted that since President Biden and President Xi met in San Francisco, the United States and China have made good progress in their cooperation in such areas as bilateral interactions, counter-narcotics, artificial intelligence and people-to-people exchanges.

Blinken said the multiplicity and complexity of the challenges the world faces require the United States and China working together, adding that the Americans from all walks of life that he met during the visit all expressed the hope to see U.S.-China relations improve.

The United States does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to change China's system, does not seek to suppress China's development, does not seek to revitalize its alliances against China, and has no intention to have a conflict with China, said Blinken.

The United States adheres to the one-China policy, Blinken said, adding that the United States hopes to maintain communication with the Chinese side, follow through on what the two presidents agreed in San Francisco, seek more cooperation, avoid misunderstandings and miscalculations, responsibly manage differences, and achieve stable development of U.S.-China relations.

President Xi asked Secretary Blinken to convey his regards to President Biden.

Wang Yi participated in the meeting.

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

  1. Emily Harper says

    Being a firm believer in diplomatic relations, I appreciate President Xi Jinping’s emphasis on mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation with the United States. It’s crucial for countries to work together as partners, seek common ground, and honor commitments for a better future. The world needs more leaders focused on stability and credibility rather than harmful competition.

  2. Emily_Smith says

    I believe that the meeting between Xi Jinping and Antony Blinken is a positive step towards building stronger relations between China and the United States. It is crucial for the two nations to work together as partners, respect each other, and prioritize stability for the benefit of global peace and cooperation.

  3. EmilySmith says

    It’s great to see that Xi Jinping is emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and cooperation between China and the United States. Building a community with a shared future for mankind is vital in today’s constantly changing world.

  4. EmilySmith says

    Xi makes some valid points in emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation between China and the United States. It’s crucial for both countries to work together as partners, rather than adversaries, in order to address the challenges of today’s rapidly changing world.

  5. EmmaSmith86 says

    In my opinion, President Xi Jinping’s emphasis on mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation between China and the United States sets a positive tone for the future relationship. It’s crucial for both countries to prioritize stability and uphold credibility for the sake of global peace and prosperity. I believe that aligning the finer details with the bigger picture, as Xi mentioned, is key in navigating the current transformative era and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

  6. Alexis89 says

    How do you think this meeting will impact the future relationship between China and the United States?

    1. SamuelR77 says

      I believe the meeting between President Xi and Secretary Blinken carries great significance for the future ties between China and the United States. President Xi’s emphasis on mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation sets a positive tone for the relationship’s development. It showcases a commitment to constructive dialogue and collaboration, essential for navigating the complexities of the current global landscape.

  7. Alexa123 says

    Does President Xi’s emphasis on mutual respect and win-win cooperation with the U.S. signal a shift in China’s diplomatic approach?

  8. EmmaJohnson says

    It’s refreshing to see President Xi emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence in China-U.S. relations. Collaboration over competition is key for a better future. Let’s hope both sides can work towards a shared future for mankind as suggested by Xi.

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