Get ready to spring forward: Clock jumps ahead an hour this Sunday!

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Summer time will start early Sunday when the clock will advance by one hour at 3:00 o’clock.

In 2018, the European Commission proposed that the biannual clock changes be abandoned across the EU. However, the initial target schedule for the Commission’s proposal has not been met.

Meanwhile, the tradition of the biannual clock changes scheduled to be scrapped in 2021 across the Europe, has not been implemented yet.

The European Commission in 2018 proposed to abolish the daylight-saving time provision.

The proposal is still awaiting consideration by the Council of the EU, for the issue shall be decided jointly by the EU Council and the EU parliament.

The Member States would remain free to decide nationally which time they want to adopt on a permanent basis.

Finland determined its preliminary position on the proposal already in 2018 as citizens, business and industry and other stakeholders were widely consulted.

The results showed that many were in favour of abandoning clock changes. Although both summer and winter time were supported, wintertime gained slightly more popularity.

Finland does not currently have a formal final position on the choice of permanent year-round time. Finland underlines the importance of avoiding fragmentation of time zones.

The debate on daylight-saving time has been delayed, partly because of the coronavirus pandemic, and the issue has not been on the agenda of the EU Council.

Timing complications may arise in different sectors, especially in public transport and communication.

The authorities, however, expect that everything will be normal once people become accustomed to the new timing in a few days’ time.

There will be some changes in the timetables of bus and train services.

Timetable of local buses could be asked from the operators, while timetables for long-distance buses will be found on Matkahuolto’s web page.

The summer time-shifting for long-distance buses will mainly affect Helsinki-Vantaa airport express bus connection.

The schedule for the intercity and long-distance bus services will be available on the websites.

The train service schedules will also see some changes.

Summer time generally starts on the last Sunday of March and continues until the last Sunday of October.

Finland has been following separate time schedules for summer and winter since 1981.


  1. SarahSmith says

    When will the proposal to abolish daylight-saving time provision be finally decided by the EU Council and the EU parliament?

    1. MaxJohnson says

      The proposal to abolish the daylight-saving time provision by the EU Council and the EU parliament is still pending decision. The timing of this decision has been affected by various factors, including the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. It is crucial for Member States to reach a consensus on this matter to ensure a smooth transition and avoid time zone fragmentation. Let’s stay tuned for further updates!

  2. EmilySmith says

    It’s about time that the biannual clock changes are scrapped! The EU should prioritize abolishing daylight-saving time to avoid unnecessary time zone fragmentation. Winter time seems to be the preference, but regardless, a consistent decision is needed across Europe.

  3. EmilySmith2021 says

    It’s about time we put an end to this outdated practice of clock changes twice a year! The European Commission needs to prioritize this proposal and make a decision soon, considering the preferences of the citizens. Let’s move towards a more efficient and unified timekeeping system across Europe.

  4. EllaJones says

    Will the clock change impact travel schedules or flight timings in any way?

    1. MatthewSmith says

      Yes, the clock change can indeed impact travel schedules and flight timings. When the clock jumps ahead by one hour, it can affect the departure and arrival times of flights, potentially causing confusion for travelers. Airlines usually adjust their schedules accordingly to accommodate the time change, but it’s always advisable to double-check your itinerary to avoid any inconvenience.

  5. Emily_Rose says

    In my opinion, it’s high time the biannual clock changes are completely done away with. It’s great to see Finland taking a stand on this matter and consulting its citizens. Let’s hope for a unified decision on the permanent time!

  6. EmilySmith87 says

    It’s about time we stop this clock-changing madness! The European Commission needs to make a decision soon and end this back and forth. Let’s stick to one time all year round and avoid all this confusion. I hope they listen to the people and scrap the biannual clock changes for good.

  7. EmilySmith says

    As a resident of Finland, I strongly believe it’s time to stop the biannual clock changes and choose a permanent time. The EU should prioritize the well-being and productivity of its citizens by making a decision on this matter soon.

  8. EmilyJackson82 says

    I believe that it’s time for a change regarding daylight-saving time. The biannual clock changes have caused enough confusion and disruption. It’s important for the EU to make a decision soon to eliminate this practice. Let’s hope for a smooth transition to permanent time zones without any more delays.

  9. EmilySays says

    It’s about time! I think it’s high time to ditch the biannual clock changes. With the proposal still pending, it’s crucial for the EU to make a decision soon. I support the idea of each country choosing their permanent time to avoid any confusion or fragmentation. Let’s move towards a more unified time system!

  10. EmilySmith says

    It’s about time that we stop the biannual clock changes. I support the proposal to abolish daylight-saving time. Let’s stick to one time year-round and avoid all the confusion and timing complications that come with changing the clocks!

  11. AliceJohnson says

    It’s about time we stop this silly clock changing twice a year! Let’s stay in one time all year round for consistency and better sleep patterns.

  12. AlexandraSmith123 says

    Will this change affect travel schedules or airline timings in Europe?

  13. Emily_Cooper says

    As much as I understand the importance of uniformity in timekeeping, I believe it’s time to bid farewell to the biannual clock changes. The delay in implementing the European Commission’s proposal is disappointing. It’s crucial for the EU to prioritize this issue and make a decision that benefits all member states.

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