Finland signs 3 deals at NATO Summit

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Finland signs 3 deals at NATO Summit

Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen on Tuesday signed a Nordic Airspace Summit Declaration in connection with the NATO Summit in Washington, said the Ministry of Defence in a press release late Thursday night.

He also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Alliance Persistent Surveillance from Space (APSS) and a Letter of Intent (LoI) on Multinational cooperation for the development and fielding of Allied software for Cloud and Edge services.

The agreements are not legally binding.

"Security and interoperability in all circumstances and in all domains are of paramount importance to NATO. Besides, a robust Northern Region strengthens NATO's deterrence and defence capability and bolsters military cooperation," said Häkkänen.

The main objective of the Nordic Airspace Summit Declaration is to enhance and strengthen the planning and implementation of air operations in Northern Europe.

"The aim is to develop airspace solutions, such as air and missile defence, in NATO's Northern Region. This could involve more extensive exercises, for example," said Häkkänen.

In addition, Häkkänen and 19 other ministers signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Alliance Persistent Surveillance from Space (APSS).

The aim of the APSS initiative is to improve the capabilities of satellite systems providing persistent surveillance from space by harnessing the Allies' existing resources.

Finland will contribute with a satellite imagery production system that Allies can use to share satellite imagery data and provide analysis capabilities to NATO.

Finland also signed the Letter of Intent (LoI) on Multinational cooperation for the development and fielding of Allied software for Cloud and Edge services.

The initiative aims to develop cloud services and their use and explore how Allies can combine their national cloud and edge services through NATO's Digital Backbone.


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