Israel to continue Rafah operation as Gaza truce talks collapse

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Israel to continue Rafah operation as Gaza truce talks collapse

The Israeli army will continue its operation in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah "as planned," after the talks on the Israel-Hamas truce held in Egypt's Cairo collapsed on Thursday, an Israeli official told Xinhua.

Meanwhile, a Xinhua correspondent covering the developments reported mass Israeli troops stationed on the border with Rafah.

The unnamed Israeli official confirmed that the Israeli delegation has left Cairo after talks with Hamas, the United States, Egyptian, and Qatari negotiators on a deal to end the hostilities and secure the release of hostages in Gaza.

The official did not elaborate on whether Israel will expand the offensive to more areas in Rafah at the southern end of Gaza, where about 1.2 million internally displaced Palestinians were taking refuge.

According to Israel's state-owned Kan TV news, the talks were halted due to Israel's ongoing ground assault on Rafah.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's wartime cabinet was scheduled to meet later on Thursday to discuss the continuation of the Rafah operation.

Commenting on U.S. President Joe Biden's decision to pause some shipments of weapons to Israel if it deepens its assault on Rafah city, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it has enough weapons to continue operations in Gaza.

"The IDF has armaments for the operations it is planning, also for the operation in Rafah," IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said in a statement. "We have what we need," he stressed.

"The U.S. has so far provided security assistance to Israel and the IDF in an unprecedented manner," Hagari added, noting that "even when there are disagreements between us — we resolve them in closed rooms."


  1. EmilySmith92 says

    Is there any information on the potential impact of the truce talks collapsing on the civilian population in Rafah?

    1. DavidJohnson85 says

      There are concerns about the humanitarian situation in Rafah following the collapse of the truce talks. The ongoing operation could exacerbate the difficulties faced by the civilian population, adding to the already dire conditions they are enduring.

  2. EmilyJohnson2021 says

    Will the Israeli army reconsider their strategy in Rafah now that the truce talks have collapsed?

    1. DavidSmith79 says

      It is unlikely that the Israeli army will change its strategy in Rafah now that the truce talks have collapsed. They seem determined to continue the operation as planned.

  3. EmilySmith82 says

    It’s crucial for Israel to prioritize the safety and well-being of civilians in Rafah amid the ongoing conflict. The international community must intensify efforts towards a peaceful resolution to prevent further escalation and loss of innocent lives.

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